Oh No (part 2)

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-its my birthday today. Shout out to my twin sister who doesn't like using social media so she can't boost her birthday.

'Oh no.' Logan thought in something resembling horror. He pried his eyes away from Roman, trying (and failing) to focus on his work.

He sighed heavily as he picked up his work, standing up, catching the attention of Roman.

"Where are you going?" Roman asked, a frown on his face, replacing the soft smile that was just there before.

"I can't seem to focus right now. I'll have to finish this later. I'll see you at dinner, Roman." Logan said, fumbling with his files, running his hand through his hair with a huff.

He walked to his room, dropping everything onto his desk before he collapsed onto his bed.

"This can't be true. It-it was hypothetical, and just a thought, there is no way." Logan mumbled to himself. He groaned as he pressed the palms of his hands against his eyelids, relieving the pressure in his head.

He thought about it for a while, before he got up and walked to Patton's room. He slowly, hesitantly knocked.

Patton opened it, smiling at him. "Hey, Lo! What do you need?"

"I... I wish to talk to you about something I don't quite... Understand."

"You? Not understanding something? That's new!" Patton giggled. "Come in!"

They sat down, Patton on his bed and Logan sitting stiffly in a beanbag chair.

"I would like to talk about... F-feelings. Romantic... Feelings." Logan crossed his arms.

"Oh! Okay! Well, is there anyone particular in mind? Someone who tickles your... Fancy?" Patton smiled.

Logan sighed, rubbing his temples. "I don't want to say. Though, I can tell you already know."

"You like Roman!"

"N-no, just hypothetically!" Logan blushed. "Hypothetically, if I was with someone and I started thinking about more romantic things... What would that mean? Hypothetically."

"Hypothetically, it would mean you like them! My kiddo has a crush!"

"Patton, we are the same age and you are not my father. We don't even have fathers, we are apart of thom-"

"Anyway!" Logan made a sour face at being interrupted. "I think you should tell him! He definitely likes you too!"

"I'm not so sure. Feelings aren't my strong suit, it wouldn't work." Logan mumbled.

"Of course it would! Just tell him plain and simple!"

"... Very well."


Roman hummed as he laid in his room, flipping through a book Logan had suggested. He jumped at a knock at the door.

He got up, smiling as he opened it to Logan.

"Hey, Microsoft Nerd. What do you need?"

"I need to talk to you about something. May I come in?" Roman looked back at his messy room, filled with pages of unfinished stories and art, projects lay forgotten about around the place.

"Eh... Sure." Roman let him in, moving paintings and such to look less cluttered. "Sorry... About the mess."

"Nonsense, Roman. Your room shows just how good you are at what you do. Being Creativity, it must be difficult having all those ideas and thoughts running through your head." Logan nodded, staying standing as Roman stayed moving things about. "Roman?"


"I need to talk to you."

"Oh! Right, sorry!" Roman sat as his desk, fiddling with a rubic cube. (A gift from Logan.)

Logan put his hand gently on Romans, gaining his attention. He softly took the cube, solving it as he began to talk.

"It seems I have feelings for you, Roman." He said softly. He looked up at him, his fingers still expertly flipping the cube about. Roman stared surprised.

He shook himself out of his surprise. Logan stared with a straight face, though his eyes flashed a small sense of panic.

"It's okay to show some emotion, Lo." Roman smiled. "No need to be so stoic."

Logan gulped, looking down at the cube, solved and sitting in his palm. "Right. I really should be on my way. Thomas has work to do."

He leaned past Roman and set the cube on the desk.

Roman pecked his cheek, laughing as Logan froze, his cheeks quickly flushing red. "I like you, too, Logan."

"O-oh. Um, okay." Logan nodded, though didn't move from the position he froze in leaning past Roman slightly, hand still reached out.

Roman stood up, in turn causing Logan to stand up straight, looking down at him.

"We can talk more about this later. Maybe over lunch tomorrow? I heard there's a new cafe opening in imagination. Plus, I don't think you've seen the kingdom yet, have you?"

"I haven't. Um, lunch would be adequate, thank you." Logan nodded, his blush still refusing to die down. Roman grinned, gently kissing him.

Logan melted into the kiss, confused but not bothered by the rush of emotions he wasn't familiar with. Roman pulled away.

"Sorry, I should have asked." Roman now sported his own blush.

"It's perfectly fine, Roman." Logan smiled before the two parted ways, both very excited for lunch tomorrow.

-I had no idea how to end this lmao

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