Twilight (Analogical)

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Yo, so this is based off the movie twilight, though  it's only going to have a few scenes in it. Im sorry if this sucks, I haven't watchedr he movies in years so I'm writing what j remember. Which is nearly nothing so I'll be improvising.

I'm obviously changing a lot, but I'm trying to keep it decent.

Logan Logic walked into class, a shiver going down his spine as the fan blew past him. Looking over at his seat he spotted a new kid, somewhat glaring at him and covering his mouth and nose. With a new insecurity playing at his mind, he walked over to his seat, sitting down and taking notes as the class started. Logan took notice to the boys averted grey eyes and clentched fist, shaking in, what someone would think, restrain.

The bell soon rang, the boy jumping up and rushing out of the classroom. Logan looked in surprise, though quickly shook his head and rushed to his locker.

{Time skip, lunch}

Logan took a seat at the lunch table, greeting his friends, Roman, Remy, Emile and Patton.

"Would any of you know anything about the new student?" Logan asked. Patton, Roman, and Emile shook their head as Remy nodded.

"Yeah, that's Virgil Storm, or as I call him, 'the emo.'" Remy laughed. "He doesn't talk to anyone besides the other new kid, Damian Hiss, though he prefers to go by Deceit. I don't know where he transfered from, but he's cute, like, really cute. Though not really my type." Remy laughed again, shaking his head and taking a drink from his starbucks. Logan nodded and looked over at him, though Virgil was already looking at him. Their eyes met and Virgil calmly looked away to Deceit. Logan stared for a few prolonged seconds. His eyes were grey before, right? Now they were a deep purple.

{Time skip; after school, forest}

Logan walked through the forest, looking for a specific type of plant. It was foggy, the sunlight blocked from the trees, though every so often he would walk through a patch of sunlight shining through the tree gaps. He looked towards the ground, not paying attention to what was infront of him. He bumped into something, falling to the ground, landing on his butt.

"My apologies, I wasn't looking where I was going." Logan said as he looked up. His eyes met dark grey ones.

"Its... It's okay." Virgil mumbled, sticking his hand out to help Logan up. Logan took his hand, gasping.

"You're hands are freezing." Logan stated, looking from his hand too his face. Virgil tugged Logan up, Logan letting out a surprised yelp before gaining his balance. "You're quite strong as well. Do you happen to wear contacts?" Logan asked. Virgil shook his head, looking down. Logans mind searched for something, anything to pin point what exactly was up with Virgil. He'd done so much research on anything and everything. He knew every myth, every story, every descriptive property to anything, the only thing that he could think was...

"May I see your wrist?" He asked. Virgil dug his hands deeper into his pockets, looking up to hold eye contact with Logan. Logan put his hand out gingerly, gesturing to Virgil. Virgil glanced down at his hand. He shakily placed his hand to his. Logan placed 2 fingers against his wrist.

No pulse.

"I know what you're are." Logan said quietly. How was that even possible? From all his knowledge, they don't exist, but Logan felt with his whole being that Virgil was a-

"Say it." Virgil said quietly. Logan was saying it, screaming it in his mind. "Out loud."

"Vampire." Logan forced out. Virgil's eyes had changed once again. The same deep purple. In the blink of an eye, he was gone, but Logan could still hear him.

"Are you afraid?" He heard from the nothingness. Logan swallowed, taking a breath.


"Do you feel safe?"


"How do you know if you are safe?" His voice was closer now.

"I... I don't. Logically, those answers I gave you would be wrong if you asked anybody else. But, I'm not afraid of you. You won't hurt me."

"How could you be so sure?" His voice, now surrounding him like the fog.

"I... I'm... Not." Logan said, backing up to a tree looking around for him.

"Y'know... No one had ever figured it out before. But, I could tell you were different since this morning. Special." Virgil started, "I can read anyone's mind in that classroom. But you... Nothing."

He paused, waiting for a reaction from Logan. "You're blood, is unlike any I've ever smelled."

"What does that mean? How does it smell?" Logan asked, caught off guard.

"Delicious... Is the word I would use for it. Being as close as I was seemed like torture. I could take what I want right now, as I've seemed to gain your trust to easily. So tell me, logan..." Virgil paused, and Logan jumped as he appeared in front of him, hanging upside down since he hooked his feet to a branch. "Why is it that I can't bring myself to? Why do I want to, so badly, but can't bring myself to hurt you.."

Virgil pulled himself up, sitting on the branch. "What makes you so special... Is that any other vampire would have ripped you to shreds by now... But there is something in me that craves something else from you. Not your blood, not your life, nor your soul." He slid from the tree, looking at Logan. Logan only focus was how close he was, and how he continued to get closer with every question, every pause, every word. "Now, tell me. Why would a monster like me want anything else from you?"

"You're not a monster." Logan stated. What else could it have been? If a true monster would have killed him and he didn't, how are they the same?

"You've never seen a monster. You don't know what to compare me to. You've never seen the skin, the face, the body of a monster. To you, I could've been an ordinary person... But I'm not." Virgil laughed softly, shaking his head. He turned around, standing in a patch of sunlight and unzipping his jacket. "Monsters aren't the same. They aren't like what you learned when you were a child... We don't hide in closets or under your bed. We don't have more or less than two eyes. We are people turned to monsters." He turned around, facing Logan. His black button down was unbuttoned, showing his pale, glittering skin.

It's like diamonds.

"You're beautiful." Logan said before he could stop himself.

Virgil laughed bitterly and shook his head, looking down at himself in disgust. "Beautiful? Not necessarily." Virgil walked from the sunlight, zipping his hoodie up.

"So, Logan. Are you afraid?"

"No." He says, standing his ground. Virgil punched the tree Logan was leaning on, a crack going up as far as they could see.

"I trust you, Virgil." Logan says, taking a dangerously close step to Virgil, fully aware of how dangerous this actually is.

"Tell me what you're thinking." Virgil said quietly.

"I'm afraid." Logan started. "But not of that. I don't want you to disappear. I'm afraid you'll leave."

"You don't understand how long I've waited for someone like you." Virgil said in a hushed voice, looking down at him. They both smiled softly.

Their faces were so close, Virgils hand gently touched Logans neck. Virgil leaned in impossibly close, staring into Logan eyes. He backed away, smiling softly at him.

"I won't leave." He assured him.

This probably sucks soooo badly. I'm sorry. This was requested so I actually tried.

Lmao I even read the damned transcript of the movie, which made no sence to me.

"Eyes closed against the sunlight, absorbing it's rays. Long, dark hair frames alabaster skin. She's a vulnerable, introverted, imperfect beauty."

Honestly, amazing writing, but I just- try reading that for an hour.

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