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Heyy it's been a while
I've been writing very slowly since my last book got deleted and have spent most of my time getting high, I wasn't gonna post anymore but I have so many halfdone drafts so I'mma finish them slowly and post as I do 🤩
Goin old school w the one bed concept lol

Janus never had to share a room with someone besides Remus, and even then, Remus had to keep his.. Imagination in his side of the room.

When he heard that Logan, Patton, and Virgil had gotten the rooms and now were trying to decide who would be with who, he knew he was going to be stuck sharing a room with someone else.

"Okay, everyone." Logan gestured for the others to come over. "Patton, Virgil, and I all have rooms. We need to decide who's going with who. I would like to preface this by saying that due to the hotels booking, we will have to either share a bed or someone will take the floor. Now, who's-"

"I call Virgil!"
"Dibs on Logan!" the twins yelled at the same time. Remus grinned as he took the keycard from Logan, glancing at it before taking Logan's tie and dragging him off.

"Need help with your bag?" Roman asked, smiling at Virgil, who turned away.

"I'll sleep on the floor." he said as he walked away.

"Okay, well, that didn't go as planned." Roman grumbled, quickly following.

"Looks like you and I are roomies!" Patton said excitedly to Janus. "Cmon, we're on the sixth floor!"

They quickly got to their room with a bit of awkward silence in the elevator.

"Ooh, look at our view!" Patton grinned as he threw open the curtains.

Janus hummed as he began to unpack his bag. "You should begin unpacking. Logan's got us all on a tight schedule."

Patton nodded. "What are you most excitded for?"

"Probably the two hours of 'freetime' we get. I cannot believe Logan didn't put any spa time in our trip." Janus rolled his eyes. "And you?"

"The beach! Its gonna be great! I even brought my Polaroid to take pictures of everyone having fun!" Patton dug in his bag, pulling the camera out. "Smile!"


"Cmon, jan! Smile!" Patton insisted. Janus sighed, smiling as Patton took his picture.

"Perfect!" he shook the photo as he checked his phone. "Logan said to meet downstairs for lunch in 30 minutes."

Janus finished unpacking and the two went downstairs.


"Ah, today was so fun!" Patton grinned as they walked back to their room.

"I'm exhausted." Janus sighed, pushing their door open.

They both stopped, looking at the bed. They quickly realized they had forgotten to discuss their sleeping arrangement.

"I'm willing to take the floor, if you don't wanna share. I know how you feel about hotel floors." Patton smiled, opening the drawer to grab his pajamas.

"Thank you, Patton." Janus smiled. Patton went into the bathroom to change, leaving Janus to think. These floors really were disgusting and it would be unfair to let Patton sleep on them. "Patton?"

"Yeah?" Patton called from the bathroom.

"Sharing the bed is fine. These floors are vile."

The door opened, Patton coming out dressed in a Winnie the Pooh onesie. "Great, because I really didn't want to sleep on the floor." he laughed.

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⏰ Last updated: May 23 ⏰

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