
599 21 15

Tw: homophobia, f-slur, stabbing, death, murder, crying, mention of gangbangs, Remus being his amazing self, mention of alcohol, vomiting, sex innuendos

"Wait, please!" Roman yelled as he thrashed in the guards arms, watching as 2 other guards restrained and beat Logan just a few feet away from it. "Stop it! Leave him alone!"

"Oh, Roman... You're no longer a prince. It's not your place to be making demands." Romans mother, the queen, frowned down at him.

"Mother, please, understand that he did nothing wrong!"

"You say that as if turning my son, the next in line for the throne, into a faggot isn't something to be punished for." The queen looked over at Logan, who was panting, barely even conscious.

"Mother? What's going on in..." Remus froze, looking at what was going on. "Okay... I'm all for beating up nerds, but I am a bit confused..."

"Remus, dear! You'll never believe it! You are now next in line for the throne!" The queen grinned, clapping her hands for her son.

"But I thought Roman was?"

"Oh, your brother here made some poor choices." She frowned. "Guards, drop them."

The guards did as they were told, Roman rushing over to Logan, who laid on the ground, panting.

"R-roman, it's... It's okay..." Logan mumbled weakly. "Want to.. Want to see you."

"Okay, okay, h-hold on." Roman looked around, rushing over to Logan's glasses, that were thrown off in the beginning of all this. He quickly, carefully, put them on Logan.

"Don't cry. It's okay." Logan gently wiped Romans tears, gently pulling him down into a soft kiss.

"O....kay, well, this was fun, but I'm starting to get a bit bored, so-" Remus grabbed his sword, which he always kept on him for occasions just like this one. The guards took notice, also pulling our their own.

"Oh, gang bang, huh? Be gentle, it's my first time." Remus smirked, starting off their battle by slicing the sword through the closest guards throat, which coated Remus in blood.

"Tasty." As Remus fought the guards, someone tapped Romans shoulder, causing him to jump, looking over at them. "Chef patton?"

"That's me! Go help prince Remus," Patton went to carefully lift Logan, but was stopped by Roman. "It's okay, prince roman. I've got him. Just help him."

Roman nodded, giving Logan a kiss on his temple before jumping up, grabbing a sword from one of the already dead guards.

"You know, I like a lot of dick, but not these kinds." Remus just so happen to stab one guard right in his. "Get it? Because you have a dick personality?"

"Behind you, Re!"

Remus turned around, pushing the guard against the other before stabbing through one into the other.

"Double trouble." Remus grinned as Roman joined his side.


Patton quickly brought Logan, who had passed put on the way, to the kitchen, the other chefs and waiters rushing to clean off a table at the sight of him.

Patton put Logan onto the table, him, and two waiters, Janus and Virgil, quickly going to help him.

"Pulse is strong. Seems to be nothing too bad, broken nose, busted lip, and a black eye. Maybe a concussion." Virgil said, digging through some cabinets.

"Gauze is here. Rubbing alcohol, maybe some wine for the patient?"

"We don't have time for that, Janus."

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