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Tw: mention of not feeling good enough. Just the smallest bit of sad. Mention of liking to get bitten

"What are you doing?"

"Trying to count your freckles." Remus mumbled, shaking his head. "Damn... You made me lose count."

"Sorry." Patton laughed. "How far have you gotten?"

"I know that there are 32 on the back of your right hand. After that I get distracted or I mess up." Remus frowned, pulling Patton closer and tracing the freckles on his arm. He rested his forehead against his back.

"I have a lot of them, Re. I don't know if you'll be able to count them all." Patton rolled over, running a hand through Remus's hair. "Why do you want to count them all?"

"I don't know." Remus shrugged. "I wanna know things that no one else does about you. I doubt any of the others know you have 32 freckles on your right hand."

"I doubt that too." Patton smiled. "What else do you know?"

"I know your favorite spot to be kissed is your forehead. I know your biggest fear is spiders, but you could never bring yourself to kill one. Your second favorite side, me being the first obviously, is virgil, because he is the one that acts most like a kid. Someone who you can take care of." Remus grinned, intertwining their fingers.

"I know your favorite planet is Pluto, even though logan always says it isn't a planet." Remus frowned. "I know some days you don't feel like enough. I know you're the most loving person, even on days where you can't love me."

"I'm sorry, Re..."

"Don't apologize, Pat. I know. I don't mind hiding this from the others, as long as you're comfortable." Remus kissed his forehead gently. "I know your favorite thing to do is cuddle. You're favorite word is 'gizmo,' because it's just really fun to say."

Parton laughed softly, nodding.

"I know you love it when I bite your hips, even if you say you don't." Patton blushed and looked away. "I know you hate it when the sun sets, even though you know it's going to come back."

Patton smiled and yawned, cuddling closer to Remus.

"Are you really okay with it, Re? Hiding this?"

"Of course, pat. The only time I'll ever have a problem, is when one of the others figure out you have 32 freckles on your right hand." Patton laughed, gently kissing his cheek before he snuggled even closer, soon falling asleep.

Remus smiled, gently tracing his freckles again.

-this is so short and so bad

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