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-requested analogical
-hey lol i have something to live for
-this was soft. Sorry it's so short

Logan sat on his bed, leaning against the headboard, knees pulled up for the book that rested on his thighs as he read idly.

He was too deep into his book, not hearing the quick but soft knocks on his door.

Virgil pushed open Logan's door, shutting it and walking over to him. He sat next to him, Logan not bothering to look up from his book as he wrapped an arm around him.

Virgil smiled, leaning into him. Logan lifted his book for a moment, letting his knees fall so virgil could put his legs across his lap. He rested his book against virgils legs.

Virgil his eyes skimming over the page, not really reading it, but understanding what was going on.

Soon virgil started to doze off, snuggling into him. Logan smiled, pulling him closer and pecking the top of his head.

"I love you.." Virgil mumbled sleepily. Logan laughed softly.

"I love you, too." Logan whispered. "Did you sleep any last night?"

"Mm... No..." Virgil mumbled, looking away.

"Then sleep, my night. I'll be here to keep you safe." He said, shifting to make Virgil more comfortable. Virgil groaned.

"'M not tired." He sighed, burying his head in his chest.

"Yes, you are. It's okay." Virgil hummed, slowly falling asleep. Logan rested his head on his, continuing his book.

-y'all fucking with buff Logan and twink virgil lmao
-just a sketch because I drew this at 4 AM and I was tired

-y'all fucking with buff Logan and twink virgil lmao-just a sketch because I drew this at 4 AM and I was tired

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