Video (Intruality, Nsfw)

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-im sorry.
-I hate myself for writing this. Like, so much.
-yes, I know I said I wouldn't write Patton but honestly, I hold no respect for myself so I broke my own rules.

Tw: sex, tainting of innocence is the best way to word it, kinda possessive Remus, being forced to watch porn (kinda), secretly recording, cursing, TopRemus and BottomPatton (technically pattons on top but whatever)

-have I said I hate myself yet?

No, I don't want to." Patton whined as he closed his eyes tightly, burying his face in remus's neck to avoid seeing the video that was playing loudly on Remus's phone.

"C'mon, pat. It's not that bad. Just watch it." Remus smirked, his hand grabbing Patton through his pants. Patton gasped, jolting from the touch. He whined as he looked down at the phone, his mind telling him this was wrong while a louder, darker part told him to keep watching.

Remus glanced at the camera he had secretly set up beforehand that was currently recording.

Patton bit his lip, watching with interest and attempting to squeeze his thighs together as he progressively got harder. He shook slightly as his face burned with blush. He unknowingly began grinding on remus's lap, eyes not being able to tear away from the video. He whined.

Remus, who had always wanted to see patton like this, shy, horny, and needy, turned off the video. Ever since remus met Patton, the innocent, wide-eyed, puffball, he wanted to destroy him. Wanted to ruin that innocence, wanted to fuck him, converting that soft bright mind of his into a dark, needy desire for him, and only him. He wanted to make sure he knew he belonged to him.

"Wh-what? Why- why did you stop it?" Patton asked, breathless.

"I thought you said you didn't want to watch it." Remus smirked.

"B-but, i-i, I wanna see.." Patton mumbled, hand reaching for the phone.

"Change your mind?" Remus asked, holding the phone out of his reach. Patton whined as he nodded. Remus smiled triumphantly, turning his phone back on for him.

Patton bit his lip, moaning as Remus bit and sucked at his neck while he watched the video. Remus grinded up on him, holding his hip tightly.

"R-re~" Patton moaned, "Remus~"

Remus laughed softly, gently lifting pattons shirt, before tugging it over his head. Patton didn't mind, though remus wasn't sure if he even noticed.

Remus gently slid his hands down his chest and sides, smirking as Patton whined and moaned, arching into his touch.

-I hate myself.

Patton seemed dazed, eyes hooded and focused on the phone.

"Re-remus, I, I wanna do that..." He whispered, his hand gripping remus's shirt. Remus glanced at the video, seeing a man riding another man, head thrown back and moaning.

"Yeah?" Patton nodded, gasping as the man on top came. He panted softly, pressing himself against remus. "Remus please, i-i can't... Need it~"

Remus smirked as he laid down, tugging off pattons pants and boxers, with some struggle from their position. Patton blushed and whined, covering himself.

"Don't hide yourself, pat. Lemme see you." Remus said, moving his hands. He hummed, softly letting his hands explore his body.

"Re-remus~" Patton whined. He slowly grinded down on Remus, no longer paying any attention to the video, eyes slipping shut as he whined. Remus moved Patton to sit up on his knees, tugging his own jeans and boxers off.

"Okay, you sure you want to do this?"

Patton nodded and watched as Remus lubed his member, blushing when he grabbed his hips and positioned them. Patton gently sat down, face flashing with discomfort. He got about halfway down before having to take a break.

"Can't~" Patton panted.

"You'll be fine, pat. It'll feel so good once the pain goes away." Remus said as he forced Patton's hips down. Patton whined, panting and resting his hands on remus's chest. Soon Patton sighed, gently rolling his hips. He gasped, biting his lip.

"R-remus... How- how do I..." Patton bit his lip as Remus grabbed his hips, forcing them up and down. Patton moaned loudly, throwing his head back. He slowly took over, moving his hips on his own in a messy rhythm.

Remus gently stroked him, watching as his arms shook, threatening to give out and he moved his hips faster.

-I hate myself.

"Remus, i-im close~" Patton moaned. Remus grabbed his hips again, forcing them faster. Patton came with a small whimper through bitten lips. Remus continued to force his hips, gripping then tightly.

"Remus, i-i~ mm~" Patton tried to stop, but he was too weak.

"I haven't came yet, pat. Let me do want I need to do." He smiled. Patton whined and nodded, continuing on his own. Remus smirked as he stared at Patton, already being able to see his slowly slipping from his mind.

"You like this, pat?" Remus earned a whine and nod. "What do you like about it?"

"Y-your-" He cut himself off this a gasp. "Your... Nngh~ mm~"

"Answer the question." Remus said, thrusting up into him. Patton gasped.

"B-big~" Was all he moaned out as he blushed brighter. Remus laughed softly.

"You like how big I am? You like it when I'm fucking into you?" Patton bit his lip, nodding.

-I hate myself. A lot.

"Tell me, what would happen if it all just..." Remus gripped his hips, stopping him from moving. "Stopped?"

"Re- nghh Remus, please, don't wanna stop~" Patton whined loudly. He, rather confidently, gripped remus's hands, pinning them up as he continued.

Remus smiled, laughing. He wrapped his arms around him, resulting in pattons arms being pinned behind his own back. "Who do you belong to, pat? Who gets to fuck you like this?"

"I belong to you! O-only you get to!" Patton panted, cumming again with a loud moan.

"Get to what?" Remus thrusted roughly into him.

"Nghh~! Fuck me!" Patton screamed out, throwing his head back. Remus thrusted up into him again, cumming. Patton shook softly, whining pants coming from his mouth.

"Good job, Pat." Remus smiled, pulling Patton up and off him, laying him down. Patton blinked slowly and tiredly, pulling Remus in to kiss him.

"I love you..." Patton whispered.

"I love you too." Remus kissed him again. Remus quickly cleaned them both off, tugging on his boxers and sweat pants before putting boxers, sweat pants, and a random Disney T-shirt he probably stole onto Patton.

"I'm gonna get you some water." Remus said as we quickly went to get him some cold water. "Okay, I didn't know if you would want a straw or not, so I brought one just incase." He grinned, he helped Patton sit up, handing him the drink.

Once Patton was drinking the water, Remus went over to the camera, turning it off.

"W-wait, you recorded it?" Patton asked, coughing on his water.

"Of course. I just can't wait to see you get needy just from watching us." Remus smirked, climbing in bed and pulling him against his chest. Patton whined, burying his bright red face into his chest.

-I hate myself.
-anyway. Yeah. Uhm. We're going to pretend this isn't here. Okay? Great.
-yeah, uh, request something. I'll probably do it because no matter what my only goal is to make you guys happy.

-I hope my constant "I hate myself" Ruined the mood of this chapter

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