Can't breathe

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- Requested Dukexiety (is that how it's spelled? It looks weird.)
-anyway, dukexiety comfort :)
-Tw: panic attack 👀

Remus sat in his room, legs pulled up to his chest. It was nearing midnight and Janus had still not come.

He knew what went on earlier that day. Thomas accepted him.

Surely, he wouldn't leave Remus, though, right? Not like Roman did, not like Virgil.


He sat in silence for another hour. He whimpered quietly. He never would admit it, but after everyone you've ever loved leaves you, it takes a toll.

He slowly began crying, slow tears slipping down his face. He tried to stop them, but why bother?

He took a shuddering breath, it leaving his lips in a sob.

"Please, please, not again." He whimpered. He tried to slow his breath, but only was able to choke out a cough. He gasped for more air, but it seemed as more air was leaving his lungs than coming in.

His eyes wide his fear as he tried so hard.

"Breathe, goddammit. Breathe". He cursed to himself. He cried harder as his lungs burned. His chest rose and fell quickly, stuttering every once in a while. He coughed out a sob, falling completely against the ground. He sobbed as he curled up, his entire body shaking and burning.

He felt someone enter the dark sides mindscape, but didn't- or rather, couldn't- comprehend it. His vision soon blotched out, and his eyes shot around, trying to catch something; anything.

Someone sat him up, holding his face in their hands.

"Re- us, br- ea." Their voice mixed in with the sound of Remus's heart that was beating way too fast and pounded his his ears.

"You- okay." They said. Remus whimpered loudly as he thrown himself into their hug. Their arms wrapped around him as he sobbed into their chest.

"Can't- can't breathe." He gasped.

Yes, you can. Follow my breathing. You can do it. I know you can." They said soothingly.

It took a few minutes before Remus's sight came back and his breath regulated.

"Remus, are you okay?" Remus hummed tiredly as he shook softly, balling the others shirt in his hands. "Wanna talk about it?"

"They keep leaving. Don't wanna be alone." He whispered.

"Oh, Remus..." They hugged him tighter. "I'm so sorry. I- I didn't, I didn't think it would hurt you."

Remus looked up, seeing Virgil. He looked away, pulling away from the hug.

"Hey, hey..." Virgil said softly, tugging him back gently. "It's okay. You're probably tired. Just rest, okay?"

Virgil took a deep breath, calming the atmosphere.

Remus laid down against his chest, sighing softly. His shaking soon died down as he slowly fell asleep.

Virgil looked down at the sleeping side, wrapping his arms around him. He rested back against the wall, leaving a soft kiss on the top of his head.

"You'll be okay, Remus. I promise. I won't leave you again."

-was this good? 👀
-Loving dukexiety? Always :)
-I am such a multi shipper lmaooo

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