Say my name

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-sigh. Here we go again. Jumping right into it.
Tw: crying, verbal fighting

"Don't leave me, please, I can't do this anymore! You always leave me when I need you!" Patton yelled. Janus froze in his spot, dropping the book he was reading onto the ground in shock. He shook himself out of his shock, glaring at him

"I always leave you?! Well maybe I got tired of you thinking the whole world revolves around you! I have my own problems, I can't handle anything else right now!"

"You could have just said that instead of leaving me! Do you even love me anymore?" Patton asked, grabbing his shirt, the question leaving his mouth before he noticed it.

"Of course I still love you!"

"No, you don't. You don't treat the people you love like this." Patton looked down, sniffling.

"I do love you." Janus said. Patton couldn't tell who he was trying to convince.

"Say my name."

"What? Why?" Patton's grip tightened on his shirt.

"Please, just, say it."

"Patton." There was silence, before Patton pushed him away.

He cried softly as he crossed his arms. There was no love, no memories, no joy in his voice when his name came from his mouth. It was dull and empty and angry.

"Go ahead and leave. There's no more love here." Patton sighed. He admittedly had fallen out of love, though slower than janus had. He sadly hadn't noticed it until now. Janus sighed, nodding and picking up his book, walking away.

Patton never heard his name the same again.

-this is fucking garbage.
-I wonder if the people who are asleep right now ever question why the fuck there are so many updates at 4 AM. Sorry for the spam posts, but I don't know when I'll stop.
-god, I want to end it all.

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