Snakes and Dragons

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This took so long omg i am so sorry

Also I talked with my boyfriend and we decided that we rushed our relationship and decided to go back into the 'talking stage' which we never really had because we had been friends for so long beforehand. So i guess, technically im single now, but he said that he wants to be with me, just not right now. This is good. Now just to get over my other crush.

Tw: Cursing, mention of murder, fire, mention of tombstones, crying

"A dragon... Hm, it's been quite some time since I've seen one of those around." Janus hissed with a laugh as the man jumped, looking around.

"Who's there?"

"My, my, no need to get so jumpy." Janus tutted, watching the dragon from above, where he laid in the shade of a tree. He slithered down partially, the other glaring at him. "You're a long way from home."

"I'm just making my way back. Not that I'd expect you'd be able to help me." He spat, pulling his injured wing closer to him as Janus just stared with a blank face. "What?"

"I just find it funny that you'd come to my side of the kingdom and treat me as if I'm lower than you."

"You are lower than me. You're a Naga. Just some snake." He growled out. "No matter, this isn't your side unless you were part of the royal family. You're just some random peasant, while I am a prince, making me better."

"Ah, yes, Prince Roman, correct?" Janus laughed softly, moving back up into the tree and laying against a branch. "I remember hearing about your brother. Quite the savage, isn't he?"

"You have no idea." Roman mumbled with an annoyed sigh. "So you know who I am. Yet, I don't know who you are."

"Do you need to? You've managed to come to the conclusion that you're higher than me without knowing me. I'm sure you'll do just fine without knowing the rest of me."

"Dragons are the most powerful of all the creatures, no matter who your are, you're always going to be less. Nonetheless-"

"You still believe that ancient lie?" Janus scoffed. "Not even you, a dragon, would survive a day in my kingdom."

"Still not your kingdom."

"Sigh. I am Prince Janus. You are lost in my kingdom and I would like you to leave."

"I'm not lost! I was taught by the best travelers, they taught me about the land and how to get around. Meaning..." He trialed off, crossing his arms. "I have great... directional... Skills..?"

"Do you now? Well, then," Janus smiled, "which way is it to your kingdom?"

"It's... Um.. That way!" Roman huffed, pointing some random way in hopes it was true.

"'No, it's not'."

"Okay, fine! I'm a bit lost!" He crossed his arms, pouting.

"I know. Also, your kingdom is that way." Janus flashed a fang-filled grin. "You seem to have never learned that what we're known for is lying."

"I... I haven't. But-but that just gives me more reason not to trust you!"

"Yes, well, injured prey is not as fun, anyway. I won't even bother with you." Janus rolled over to lay on his back, sighing as just enough sunlight shined through that branches to warm his scales.

"I am not injured! Nor am I prey!" Roman scowled. "I am a dragon! Top of the food chain! If anything, you'd be my prey!"

"Yes, yes, I'm sure I would be." Janus sighed, overall ignoring him. "Why else would you have bandages messily thrown over your wings if you weren't injured?"

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