Immortal (PYOS)

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-Another PYOS but this time you get one of the sides, so I guess this is any Roman one-sided ship. Tell me what you think in the comments.
Tw: crying, car accident, mention of choking and getting trampled by a cow.

Roman sighed as he looked around the large crowd, searching for that one soul. He checked the date over and over, making sure that it was, in fact, March 25th.

This is where they met every lifetime. He had to be here.

Roman slowly began to lose faith as he wandered about, fiddling with the ring on his finger.

Soon Roman sat down, defeatedly. Slow tears slid down his face and he wrapped his arms around his knees, burying his face in them.

This wasn't how this was supposed to happen. He was supposed to be here, he always was.

It didn't matter. Roman would wait hundreds of lifetimes to see him again. He'll still be around.

"Sir? Are you okay?" A voice sounded from above him. Roman quickly looked up, more tears spilling from his eyes as he saw him. He quickly stood up, looking down at the shorter man in awe.

"Yes, I... I'm fine now, thank you."

"That's good." He smiled. "You looked quite familiar... Have we met before?"

"Yes. Well, actually, this might sound a bit crazy," Roman laughed, softly. " But, um, we've met in every lifetime. You- i'm- um, look."

Roman rolled up his sleeve, showing the man his arm.

"The curse of immortality..." The man mumbled, tracing the raised skin of his scar. "What... What does this have to do with us meeting before?"

"Well... Every lifetime we have made a promise to each other. A promise that we'd always find each other. Always lo.." Roman cleared his throat, choking on his words. He shook his head. "Sorry, um, here."

Roman handed him a picture. He took it, seeing Roman and someone else. They shared many featured with him, he almost thought they were him.

"I've kept a list of every lover I've ever had and they've always been you. Even if it was just for a moment, even if you were gone in the blink of an eye, if you already loved someone else, it was always you I came back to." Roman whispered.

"I... I'm sorry." He handed the photo back to him. "I-"

"Hey, love." Another man walked over to them, wrapping an arm around him. "Who's this?"

He looked down, not being able to look at the heartbreak in Romans eyes.

"An old friend. Just catching up, is all."

The other nodded. "Look what I got us for the wedding." He said, handing a bag to him.

"Wedding?" Roman asked with wide eyes.

"Yeah, we've been together for nearly... 5 years. I finally purposed  last month."

"Wow. I'm so... happy for you two!" Roman smiled, though he couldn't help the tears that pricked his eyes. He checked the time. "S-sorry, I have to go."

Roman pushed past the two, quickly walking away, covering his mouth to muffled his sobs.

Soon his walking turned to running. He didn't know where he was going he just knew he had to leave.

All he heard was a car honking and then he felt nothing at all.


Roman woke up in a hospital, he sat up, pulling the wires from his body. He got up, searching for his clothes.

"Oh, Roman, you're awake." A nurse said as she opened the door. "You aren't supposed to take those out, you know."

"What does it matter, Lesley? It's not like my blood is flowing anyway." Roman grumbled.

"True." She laughed as she handed him his clothes. "You get hurt too much, you know. You may be immoral, but hospital bills are high."

"The gods are running out of ideas. I got hit by a car. Not the most creative idea." Roman mumbled, walking into the bathroom to change.

"Better or worse then choking on mashed potatoes?" She teased. Roman rolled his eyes. "Serious question. I have to give the gods imput when I go back."

"That was just embarrassing. I'd rather get trampled by that cow again."

"Ah, the gods laughed about that for hours." She laughed. "Anyway, you have a visitor. Try to act hurt, usually people aren't healed after 4 hours of laying in a bed."

"I don't even care at this point. Send them in." Roman came out of the bathroom, dressed and hair brushed.

"Okay." She shrugged. She left and soon there was a knock at the door. Roman opened it, eyes widening when he saw him.

"What... What are you doing here?" Roman asked, walking away.

"I wanted to make sure you were okay."

"I literally can't die, much to my dismay." Roman mumbled, grabbing his stuff from the table next to the bed. "Thank you for checking on me, anyway."

He nodded, watching him with sad eyes.

"I'm really sorry."

"For what?"

"For... I don't know..."

"You can't be sorry for loving someone. I shouldn't have expected you to want to be with me." Roman sighed. "You died. You always died. And yes, sometimes this happened. Sometimes you were dating, or engaged, or married."

He crossed his arms, looking away.

"I'm never going to stop loving you, Mi Amor. It's okay that you are in love, I'm never going to be angry about that, and I'm never going to make you apologize. Venus will watch over your marriage with a smile. I can only hope the best for you both."

Roman walked up to him, smiling softly. He placed a soft kiss to his hand, before walking past him.

He quickly caught up. "Will you find someone new?"

"I've kept track of all my lovers, and they've always been you." Roman smiled. "No. I think this is Narcissus's way of telling me it's time to work on myself again. I've spent so many years loving others, I've forgotten about myself."

"Thank you for loving me."

"Oh, Mi Amor, you'll never have to thank me for that. Maybe next lifetime, we'll be for each other."

-dragged on for way too long.
-tell me who you think the characters were.
I'm thinking Patton, and the fiance being maybe janus?

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