Hoodie (Nsfw)

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J have like,,, 4 nsfw chapters written bc my online friends are horny as fuck
I can't post them one after another bc I want people who don't like nsfw to have different things to read.
But then I feel bad for making people who prefer nsfw chapters wait.
My friend said, "Roman masturbating in one of virgils hoodies. Just keep it interesting. Also Roman is def the submissive one 😠 make it obvious, babe. Tyty. You can also add anything else<3"
Tw: masturbating, getting caught, praise ig, implied sex, ig implied over stimulation???

Roman moaned, curled up in his bed, one of virgils hoodies wrapped around him, pulled up over his nose as his hand worked his member.

Virgil was busy doing something, Roman couldn't remember what right now. But, apparently, that was more important than Romans needs, so here Roman was, pathetically trying to get off without him.

It was a sad attempt, as he'd gotten so used to virgil being there to get him off, telling him what to do, how to do it, and when to stop.

That's how Roman preferred it. Yes, he is a strong, independent prince who doesn't need a man, However he did, in fact, need virgil.

Although Roman always thought he was more dominate in bed, virgil quickly changed that. Now, he admittedly was a pillow princess, preferring to get pleasured than have to do any work.

Though, he would never admit that to virgil. He had somewhat of a reputation to uphold.

(Virgil already knew, but didn't tell Roman as to let him keep his pride.)

Roman huffed as he squeezed his eyes shut, mouth open as small breathy moans slipped out.

He was slowly getting close, though it embarrassed him how long it took him to get there without virgils help. He'd been at this for way longer than he liked to admit.

He nuzzled further into the jacket, panting as his hips bucked into his hand.

He let out a whine, taking in a deep breath in of virgils scent. He always smelled very calming, which was strange, since he represented Anxiety and such.

Roman worked his hand faster, moaning with every pump. His thighs shook and Roman muttered small, quiet begs to no one as his breath hitched.

Soon he finally came, arching his back and muffling his loud moan with virgils hoodie.

He panted tiredly, frowning as he had gotten cum on virgils hoodie.

He pulled it over his head, dropping it to the ground, leaving him completely nude.

"That was cute." Virgils voice said teasingly. Roman jumped, sitting up to see him leaning against the door.

How long had be been standing there?

Whatever, Roman didn't care. He was more annoyed that he hadn't thought to help him.

Roman pouted at him, rolling over and pulling the blanket over him.

"Aw, princey! Don't be mad at me!" Virgil laughed, going over and sitting next to him resting his chin on his shoulder. "I didn't want to interrupt because you looked so pretty."

Roman whined, blushing. "Really?" He mumbled quietly.

"So pretty, love." Virgil nodded, kissing his neck and shoulder, his hand gently rubbing his hip. Roman shivered, moaning softly before rolling over and pulling him down into a passionate kiss.

Virgil hummed, pulling away. "You up for going again?"

"I'm up for going all night."


I'm so scared to post the other nsfw chapters bc they're a lot more kinky.

I refuse to draw a dick lol

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I refuse to draw a dick lol

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