Sleeping Beauty

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-i got this idea from listening to "hold me while you wait" By Lewis Capaldi.
Tw: cursing, crying. One sided Prinxiety

Time seemed to slow as Virgil was brought in, dead asleep with no signs of waking up. It was funny, a coma didn’t seem as bad as death until you realize that they’re basically the same thing.

After being asleep for so long, Logan reluctantly gave up trying to find out what was wrong. The house was so much quieter, even with the steady beeping from all the machines Logan had set up to track his breathing and heartbeat, no one had the energy to even try to lighten the heavy mood. I suppose, without Virgil, no one had much energy to do anything at all.

The dragonwitch found Virgil while he was walking around imagination. She took one look at him and a devilish smile spread across her face.

“You must be Virgil.” She laughed, circling him like a predator would their prey. “Prince Romans little boyfriend, yes?”

Virgil nodded, trying his best not to panic.

“Oh, this’ll be fun, indeed.” She hummed. “Here’s the deal. Give me all of Prince Romans weakness’s and you’ll be set free.”

“And if I don’t?”

“Then I’ll have to just take them. I know Prince Roman is very open to you. He tells you everything.” Virgil didn’t reply. Although not the brightest idea, he ran. He ran as fast as he could, but it wasn’t enough. A blast of pink fire hit his back, causing him to collapse. She picked him up, her eyes glowing as she stared into his.

“Aww. He loves you so much. He’s afraid most of losing you.” She said mockingly. “Oh... It seems you don’t reciprocate his feeling as much as you say. Poor, poor, prince. I wonder how he’ll feel once he finds out. So… weak, given up because his love doesn’t love him. Oh, this is too good.”

She continued to stare, before laughing loudly.

“Oh, this is perfect! You’re in love with the Duke! His brother! Oh!” She laughed, wiping imaginary tears from her eyes. “You’re making this so easy, Virgil.”

Tears fell from Virgil’s eyes as he stopped fighting against her grip. He had hoped no one would find out, hoped he could fall out of love with Remus and fall for Roman. But he couldn’t. He doesn’t fall in love easily, it took years for him to fall for Remus, there was no way he could have fallen out of love.

“C-can I please just go home?” He whimpered.

“Don’t you remember our deal? I said I would let you go only if you told me his weaknesses and you didn’t.” She grinned. “Though, I don’t need you anymore, I know prince Roman wouldn’t believe me without proof…”

She reached behind her back, pulling a small bad from her waist band. She reached in, holding the gold dust up to Virgil’s face. “Sleep well, beauty.”

Virgil’s eyes widened as he realized what she was doing. She blew the dust at him, him fighting to stay awake, though there was no use. He went limp. She laid him down.


Roman jumped from his seat as he heard a voice, looking over and seeing the dragonwitch. He grabbed his sword while Remus waved, having been friends with her for quite some time.

“Oh, put down the sword, Prince Roman. I’m a hologram, I can’t hurt you and you can’t hurt me.” She hummed. “I was only calling to ask you to come retrieve your… Sleeping beauty.” She moved, showing a sleeping Virgil.

“What have you done to him?!” Roman yelled, glaring down the hologram.

“Nothing at all. Anyway, I’ll leave him at the entrance.” She waved, her hologram disappearing. Roman ran to imagination, Remus following quickly behind. They pushed open the door, seeing Virgil laying on the ground.

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