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Sometimes I worry that some of you guys think I'm ignoring your request but in reality I just do them in the order I received them and take forever to do them

I swear Im not forgetting about y'all

Tw: none <3

Virgil sighed as he tossed and turned, before just rolling into his back, pressing his hands against his eyes.

He groaned as he sat up, running a hand through his hair. Hi eyes lazily swept across his room, before he shook his head, deciding to see it Logan was awake.

He crawled out of bed, quietly walking to his door, the only noise being his socked feet shuffling through his carpet. He opened his door as quietly as he could, cringing as the door squealed.

He slowly walked to Logan's room, hands tucked into his hoodie pockets. When he arrived he slowly knocked on Logan's door, waiting for a moment before Logan opened it.

"Hello, Virgil. Why are you awake?" Logan yawned, inviting him in. It was very rarely you saw Logan not in his usual attire, even now at night, Logan would usually be up working on something. He didn't often wear pajamas, as he also ended up falling asleep in what he wore that day, too exhausted to change.

Virgil shrugged, falling against Logan's mattress. He sighed as he immediately relaxed, as Logan's mattress was way more comfortable then his own; and he made a mental note to ask Logan why that is. He could still tell that sleep was far from his reach.

"Did I wake you up?" Virgil asked, scooting over as Logan joined him on the bed.

"Yes." Logan nodded and Virgil's eyes widened as he went to apologize. "It's quite alright, though, Virgil."

Virgil mumbled an apology as he laid against Logan. He was tired and comfortable, though still couldn't sleep. He groaned into Logan's shoulder, rolling onto his back.

"Not tired?"

"Extremely." Virgil huffed. Logan nodded, thinking.

"Maybe some music?" Logan asked, looking over at him. Virgil nodded and Logan got up, putting something on.

A soft guitar melody started to play as Logan laid back down and pulled Virgil against his chest. Virgil hummed.

"Who is this? The guitarist?"

"It's me. I've recently began recording my own songs, so see how I can make it better." Logan shrugged it off.

"You play guitar?" Virgil asked, sitting up and looking down at him in surprise.

"Yes, I do. It helps me relax, as I know I tend to get quite... Worked up."

"Could you play me something? I wanna see." Virgil smiled. Logan nodded, getting up and retrieving his guitar from the back of his closet. He sat at his desk chair, wheeling over so he was closer to the bed. Virgil sat up and leaned against the headboard watching as he made sure the strings were in the correct keys.

"You know, I've never played in front of someone else before." Logan hummed as he strummed a slow melody.

"You don't have to if you don't want to. I was just curious." Virgil fiddled with his fingers.

"No, its okay. I've been meaning to share this with you anyway."

As Logan played softly, Virgil leaned into the headboard, head rested back, his drooped eyes focused on Logan.

Logan's eyes stayed focused on the strings, though occasionally they would shoot to Virgil. He smiled as he noticed Virgil slouch, eyes slowly blinking shut.

He played for a moment more, before coming to a slow stop. He put his guitar away, shifting Virgil so he laid against the bed. He climbed in as well, pulling Virgil closer, who hummed contently.

Logan slowly dozed off, the gently strums of the guitar still playing over his phone.

God this was so bad AHH

sorry it took so long to get this out, I was out of town for a few days

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