studying (intruloceit.)

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Hey, been a while. Feels like forever. Anyway, I got a request for this a long time ago and I felt soo bad for not writing it until now.

This is LoganxRemusxDeceit

⚠Trigger warning ⚠: it gets kinda heated. not smut! But it gets into a heated make out. Cursing. Bad writing

Logan walked into his new dorm, noticing that none of his new roommates had arrived yet. He set up his room, hanging a few posters before starting on some early studying.

Soon one of his roommates got there, Janus Hiss. He walked in with a simple greeting. He didn't say anything, just nodded and went to his room.

They had another roommate but he didn't show up until a couple days later. He walked in, screaming, "the Duke has arrived, whores!" Successfully scaring the shit out of the other two, who were sitting in the living room.

"Hey, roomies! Remus Duke, at your service!" He gave a wobbily bow, almost falling over.

{Time skip because I'm a lazy fuck}

It's been several weeks since classes started and Janus was having some troubles, so he decided to go to Logan for help.

Logan was known for helping others study and tutoring them. Logan says it's an easy way to make money, but it's mainly because he likes feeling needed.

It had been a couple sessions and Logan and Janus we're getting quite close. Remus had quickly taken notice of that. He suddenly had the thought and how to get with them. He asked Logan for help as well, getting a session later in the day.

{Time skip again because I'm a lazy fuck}

Remus went to Logan room, just across the hall from his, for his study session. Remus didn't bring any books, not planning on actually studying. He walked in, Logan greetings him with a nod as he got some books ready.

"Hey, Lo." He said as he sat on his bed, upside down with the top half of his body bending off the bed with a loud pop coming from his spine.

"Hello, Remus. Did you not bring your books?" Logan asked as he sat next to him. Remus smirked, sitting up correctly.

⚠ it starts here! God, this story sucks so far.  It'll basically be a bit steamy until the end. ⚠

"I was thinking we could do something more fun than study." He said, moving the book from Logan lap and straddling him. Logan blushed brightly, breath hitching as Remus placed small kisses against his jaw, line, trailing up to his lips. He locked their lips in a passionate, hungry kiss. Logan slowly but surely kissed back, hesitantly placing his hands on Remuss waist. Remus opened his mouth, allowing Logan's tongue to slid in. He moaned softly, hands travelling from where they rested over his shoulders, down to his chest.

They parted as they heard the door opening, seeing a surprised Janus.

"Hey Jan. Wanna join?" Remus asked, slightly panting. He shrugged and smirked, taking off his hat and sitting behind Remus. Logans and Remuss kiss started back up as Janus kissed and sucked Remuss neck, holding his hips. Remus moaned into the kiss, tilting his head to deepen the kiss, effectively giving janus more space to his neck. He gripped Logan's tie, tugging it loose.

Okay, that's that.

They yelped and looked to the door, seeing a very traumatized Virgil.

" sorry! I'll come back later!" He said, slamming the door. Logan cleared his throat.

"I forgot he had a study session today. I should go apologize and reschedule."  Logan mumbled, fixing his tie. Remus nodded and kissed him again, getting off of him. Logan smiled and stood up, taking a breath and walking out of the room.

"You think we should wait for him to come back?"

Not the worst thing I've ever written, but the worse thing I've ever posted lmao.
The best written part of this was the makeout scene lmao.
Request more please.

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