Property (Nsfw drabble)

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This one isn't that bad tbh
This wasn't requested but I drew some thing and wanted to post it, so I quickly wrote this so I had an excuse.
Ugh I still have 2 other nsfw chapters to post.

I really just skipped over all the good stuff to end it with angst.

Tw: being called property, collars, cursing, handcuffs, power bottom Janus (I think, I'm not 100% with the definition), riding, over stimulation (not really written but mentioned ig) slight crying, sad ending

"Hello, Virgil~"

Virgil tensed at the tone of Januss voice. "Hi... Janus... What are you doing over here?"

"I just came here to remind you of something." Janus trailed his fingertips against virgils back, causing him to shiver. He didn't say anything else, waiting for Virgil to reply.

"I-i haven't forgotten anything." Virgil gulped, turning to look at him. Janus laughed softly as he looked up at him, running a hand down his chest.

"Oh, yes, you have. You've forgotten who you belong to, Virgil." Janus grinned as he snapped his fingers, Virgil now wearing a collar with the words 'property of Janus' engraved on a gold plate. Virgil immediately flushed bright red, hand going to his neck. "Much better, don't you think?"

Virgil nodded with a quiet whine, slowly falling to his knees, his butt meeting his ankles as he gently tugged at Janus's cape.

"Don't worry, virge. I only came here to remind you that you're my property. Nothing more."

Virgil gulped, it admittedly being hard enough as it is. He forgot how it felt to wear the collar, which means he needs to relearn breath control. Janus noticed his slight struggle, hands falling to his neck and loosening the collar just barely. Virgil sat up on his knees, reaching up to pull Janus down into a passionate kiss.

Janus hummed, gently holding his face as Virgil balled up Janus's cape in his hands, keeping him from pulling away.

Virgil moaned softly into the kiss, falling back down to sit on his ankles. Janus tried to pull back, but virgil just tugged him close again.

"Please, don't stop~ missed you, missed this." Virgil breathed against his lips, pushing them to meet again. It had been quite some time since they've seen each other.

He was also always extremely sensitive when it came to janus. It took him nearly nothing to get him on his knees.

"I don't want to stop, but crouching like this hurts my back and I know you've always preferred me on top of you~" Janus grinned, sliding off his gloves. Virgil moaned breathily, nodding.

Janus pulled him to stand, his hands sliding up his shirt. Virgil shivered against them, leaning into his touch. Janus hummed, tugging his shirt off. He slowly dragged his hands back down his chest and stomach.

Virgil whined, his hands working to unclasp januss cape and unbutton his shirt quickly, pushing it off his shoulders.

Janus hummed, looping his finger around the collar, tugging gently. Virgil stood there, biting his lip and patiently waiting for Janus to touch him.

He laughed softly, gently running his fingers up and down his sides.

Virgil shivered, leaning in and kissing him passionately. Janus snapped and they were in Virgil's room.

Janus pulled away, pushing Virgil to lay on the bed.


"J-janus~" virgil moaned, tugging at the hand cuffs, squirming under him, trying to get him to move.

Janus hummed, looking down at him through hooded eyes.

"You don't even know how good it feels being filled by you, virge~" Janus slowly rolled his hips, just barely giving him the pleasure he wanted. Virgil shook softly, whining as his hips bucked. Janus moaned softly.

"Janus, please," Virgil whimpered out, "feels so good, please~"

"I'm not even doing anything." Janus laughed, shaking his head. "You like the way I talk to you?"

"Yes, yes, so much, please~" he bucked his hips into him.

"Its so easy to turn you into a mess, virge. How many times do you want to cum tonight?" Janus smiled, running his hands through his hair. Virgil took a moment to respond, panting as he leaned into his touch.

"A-as many times as you want me to, fuck~" Virgil whimpered. "Love you, love you so much, please~"

Januss breath caught in his throat. He stared down at Virgil, who whined and squirmed under him.

Janus swallowed dryly, putting his hands on virgils chest and slowly moving his hips, working back to a fast pace.

Virgil moaned loudly, head thrown back.

"F-fuck, janus, please, please, don't stop please~" Virgil begged, though janus wasn't planning on stopping anyway.

Janus panted as he rested his forehead against virgils shoulder, moaning.

"You- fuck~ okay?" Virgil managed to ask as he felt a drop land on him.

"Fine. Just sweat~" Janus lied, wiping his eyes. Virgil quickly dropped it, continuing to moan and tug at the handcuffs.

"J-jan, gonna- gonna cum~"

"Go ahead."

Virgil came, thighs shaking, as this had been his 3rd time cumming. Janus came soon after, working them both through their orgasms.

He got off of him, panting softly.

"W-we're do-done?" Virgil asked, shaking softly. Janus nodded, removing the handcuffs.

"I forgot I has some business to handle back at the dark side." Janus said, quickly cleaning both him and Virgil off before snapping, Virgil now dressed in his pajamas and him back in his regular outfit.

"Oh..." Virgil frowned, sitting up. "W-will you be- be coming back? We could watch tv and... I don't know- cuddle or something."

Virgils head was kept down as he spoke, his voice gradually getting quieter.

"I don't know. Maybe it's best for you if I didnt." Janus swallowed thickly, leaning over and kissing Virgil.

It was a passionate kiss, though Virgil could feel how permanent the goodbye was.

He intertwined his hand in his hair, pulling back slightly to rest his forehead against his.

"Please don't go." Virgil whispered.

Janus sighed softly, sadly, before pulled away. He wiped at his eyes. "I love you, too, Virgil."

And with that, he was gone.

This is what I'm doing with my life.

I just really liked the way I drew Janus

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I just really liked the way I drew Janus

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