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Roman, Virgil, Patton, and Logan were all chatting on Skype. They've never met in the real world, they all met online.

Today was the anniversary of them all meeting. Sometime in the afternoon they all got into Skype. They all quickly got in a call and all of them started to talk, except Virgil.

Virgil never spoke. He texted, but never talked in the calls. Everyone was hoping to hear his voice today.

"Unmute, unmute, unmute." Roman and Patton chanted at Virgil. Virgil had typed something about maybe being ready to speak.

"Guys, stop pressuring him. This is a lot for him." Logan said.

"N-no.. It's okay. Thanks Logan.." Virgil mumbled after unmutting his device.

"Hi Virgil!" Patton practically screams with excitement.

"Hey, dad." Virgil usually called him dad, since he was a better father than his actual father. He always looked out for him, and always accepted him. Always talked to him when he was sad.

"Salutation Virgil." Logan greeted.

"Sup, teach. How are all of you guys?" He nervously asked. "Teach" Because Logan is by far the smartest one of them all. He always told him new information everyday. Virgil always thought it was really cool.

"I'm good!" Patton said. Bubbling with excitement. You could hear it.

"I'm good as well. How are you?" Logan asked.

"Probably as best as I could be right now. Thanks. " Virgil said, you could tell in his face he was more excited in his voice than what he displayed.

"Roman, why don't you talk to Virgil?" Patton asked. Realizing Roman hadn't spoken.

"Hey.. Virgil." Roman said, almost nervously.

"Hey, Princey. How you've been?" Virgil asked.

"Good. Thanks." He said. Everything was very awkward between them, but the call was really fun. But sadly, all good things come to an end.

"Okay guys. I have to go." Patton said, his happiness slowly going down.

"Yes, I have to leave as well." They both left the call and it was just Virgil and Roman.

"Uh.. I have to go." Roman quickly said.

"Alright. I'll talk to you later. Cya." Virgil said. He was slightly sad they didn't talk much. Right when he was about to press 'end call' he heard Roman yell out.

"DAMN IT, I'M IN LOVE WITH VIRGIL." He groaned. Virgil froze. He loved him? He was in love with him.

"Uh.. Roman?" Virgil mumbled.

"Oh god, sorry-!" Roman yelled, ending the call. Virgil smiled. A small blush sent across his face. He sent one small, risky text.

"Love you too Princey."


Roman got a message from Virgil. He smiled when he read it.

"Love you too Princey." He fangirled for a second before sending a text back.

"Thank god. Love you."

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