I Don't Love You (Nsfw)

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Sorry it took so long to get this out I've been depressed and crying again
Tw: grinding, cursing, one-sided love, listening to someone having sex and getting off to it? Idk what that would be called, mention of hair pulling and biting

"Who're you staring at?" Virgil asked as he sat next to Roman, who idly stared at Janus or Logan.

Roman nods to the couple, earning an eye roll.

"I noticed. Who specifically?"

"Um... Both? Mostly Logan though.." Roman sighed, slouching against Virgil. "This sucks."

"Yeah.." Virgil sighed back, leaning against him as well. "Janus seems really happy. It's nice but it would be nice to be the one who made him happy." Virgil mumbled, earning a nod.

They both watched the two discreetly, leaning against each other comfortably. They sighed with sad, watching eyes as they watched the two part ways with a kiss. They didn't think much about their closeness until Patton walked in, smiling at the two.

"Aw, aren't you two adorable!" Patton grinned. The two looked at each other confused before realizing what he meant.

"Oh, we're n-"

"Thanks, Patt." Roman smiled. Virgil looked down at him confused, waiting until Patton walked off to wherever he was going, probably to remus's room, before he spoke up.

"'Thanks?' You know he probably thinks we're together, right?"

"I know. But, I mean, Logan and Janus are together and we both know neither of us are getting who we want to love. Everyone has someone except us." Roman looked away, chewing at the inside of his cheek. He knew this was dumb, that lying about their feelings for one another could hurt more, but he wanted someone to love. Even if it isn't real.

"Uh... Roman, I don't..."

"No, no, no, I don't love you- ah, not like that! I love you as a friend, but I don't see why we can't act like something more. It's either that or be alone... And no one really likes being alone."

"That..." Virgil sighed, "That makes sense. Yeah.. Yeah, that sounds good." Virgil nodded, shifting the two of them until Roman laid against his chest, wrapping his arms around him.

Roman wrapped his arms around Virgil, his head on his chest, hearing the slow beat of virgils heart which only drives him to be more sad that he's with someone who's heart doesn't beat out of his chest for him.

He can't blame him though. His heart is beating just as slow.


Roman was pinned against the wall, both him and Virgil moving their hips against each other's, shamelessly getting off to the noises coming from next door. They can't help but praise the thin walls for giving them what they want as if it was who they want.

They didn't kiss, barely even spoke to each other besides the mutters of 'is this okay?' Or 'fuck, more~'

A few bites to shoulders and tugs to hair, the two were cumming in their pants because removing clothes was just too... Sensual.

The two panted against each other, hips still lazy rolling against the others before coming to a stop at the edge of over stimulation.

Virgil's hands resting against the wall, sweaty palms sliding down it softly as his forehead rests against the wall above Romans head. Romans hands gripped to Virgil's upper arms, forehead resting against his chest. He's very thankful that Virgil and Logan have quite similar builds.

They smile as they hear the other two finish.

Now sleepy, they fall into bed to find the shame that has set in to sleep next to them. They don't bother with the mess in their pants, and although it's uncomfortable, again, removing clothes is too sensual.

Before bed, they heard soft muffled 'I love you's' from the other pair. Roman glanced to Virgil, who's eyes we're trained against the wall, half open and he looks barely awake, but Roman knows he heard.

Roman cuddles farther against Virgil's chest, muttering out a quiet, 'thank you,' which draws out a soft laugh from Virgil, who nods in response.

They could never love each other the way they loved the others, but at least they weren't alone and at least, just a bit satisfied.

Omg I feel like this is sooooooo short omg
Hey lol listen to Walked Through Hell by Anson Seabra to feel the literal fire that floods my veins and burns my heart that is so quickly calmed by the oceans in my eyes.
Maybe you'll feel how vulnerable I feel with my feelings laid naked on the autopsy table waiting to be cut open and truly diagnosed.
Anyway, in other news, I think my other crush likes me back, but I refused to get my hopes up this time.

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