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You guys really are the only reason I'm still around huh 🧍‍
Single dad-tton with angsty emo son Virgil omg
Mom-ceit my beloved
Tw: cursing, crying (tears of joy), lots of suggestive comments, Idk mention of being horny (it was a lie) and mention of a blowjob, but c'mon, remus is in this story smh

Janus hesitantly knocked on Virgils door, waiting for him to open it.

Once he does, he's greeted with a glare. "What do you want?"

"I came to ask you something important. May I come in?" Janus smiled, gesturing into his room.


Janus nodded, crossing his arms. "That's fair, um... I wanted to ask you f-for your permission to ask Patton to marry me."

Virgil froze, staring at him for a moment before pulling Janus into his room.

"You want to what?"

"Ask Patton to marry me."

"Oh my god. You're going to be my dad? Now I'm going to have to deal with you forever?" Virgil huffed, pushing the heels of his palms into his eyes.

"Does that mean I have your permission?" Janus asked.

Virgil flopped onto his bed, letting out an over exaggerated groaned of annoyance, covering his face with his pillow.

Janus waited patiently for virgils pity party to end, understanding how an emo teenager could be.

Finally, Virgil sighed, moving the pillow from his face and sitting up.

"Yes, you have my permission. But only because this is the first time in a while I've seen my dad really happy. Don't think I like you." Virgil said finally. "Just remember that I have some weird friends. He could kill you if I ask him to and make sure no one finds your body. Do not hurt my dad."

To say Janus was happy was an understatement.

"I would never dream of hurting him. And thank you! So much!" Janus grinned. "Can I give you a hug?"


"That's fair."




"I don't know what ring to get for Patton. I want it to be perfect, but there's so many." Janus said worryingly, looking over a wedding magazine.

Virgil huffed, looking over his shoulder.

"None of those. They're nice, but not really my dad's style." Virgil waved him off. "Hold on. I know he's been planning this since he was old enough to start scrapbooking. Maybe even before that."

Virgil walked off, before coming back a few minutes later with a book.

"This book is going to save your ass. It has everything you'll need."

Janus sighed with a smile, opening the book. "Thank you."




Virgil groaned from where he laid on the couch. "What do you need now? Everything you need is in the book!"

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