Summer Camp

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I was sitting on the bus, listening to my music when I felt someone sit next to me. I looked over, seeing a boy about my age. He had brown hair and tan skin and was wearing blue jeans with a white shirt that had a crown on the breast pocket.

"Hi! I'm Roman!" He said, putting his hand out for me to shake.

"Virgil." I mumbled, shaking his hand.

"You excited for camp, Debbie downer?" He asked, grinning. I rolled my eyes.

"Not really. The outdoors aren't really my thing."

"Then why'd you come?"

"I was forced to. Came home from work to my mom throwing a bag at me and telling me that she packed for me and that is be going to a summer camp." I said, gesturing to the backpack.

"Thats all you brought? We're gonna be here all summer." Roman said, concern mixed into his voice.

"I wear the same thing everyday, I'm surprised she didn't just send me out without a bag."

"Well, even if the outdoors aren't you thing, I promise to make your experience fun here!"

{Time skip, arrived at camp}

We got off the bus, waiting as the camp leader read off the cabins.

"In cabin A, we have Damian Hiss, Remus Prince, Remy Sleep, and Emile Picani." She said. The boys got up and grabbed their bags, heading to their cabin.

"In cabin B, it's Patton Hart, Logan Logic, Roman Prince, and Virgil Storm." She said. Some poeple snickered at my name as I walked by, but it isn't anything that but haven't delt with before. We soon got to our cabin. It had 2 bunk beds and a bathroom, as well as 2 dressers.

"Hi! I'm Patton! Let me guess, you're Roman Prince and you're Virgil Storm?" Patton asked, gesturing to us. We nodded and he cheered.

"I'm Logan Logic. You can call me Logan." Logan said, shaking our hands.

"Top bunk or bottom bunk?" Roman asked me.

"Bottom bunk." I said, tossing my backpack onto the bed before laying down on it.

"Does anyone know where the light switch is? It's fairly dark in here." Logan asked. He soon found it, turning the lights on. I hissed and back up into the darkness.

"I'm sorry, did he just hiss at me?" Logan asked, dumbfounded.

"It's too bright." I mumbled.

"I know! Virgil, do you have a blanket?" Patton asked. I opened my bag, seeing nothing but pants, Tank tops, a few pairs of boxers and socks, as well as my sketch book and a few pencils.


"No? It gets really cold at night, how are you going to survive?" Roman asked, appearing upside down, since he was on the top bunk.

"My jacket?" Roman nodded slowly, before sitting back up. After a while of talking, someone knocked in our door.

"Hi! Im bill, I was assigned to take you guys to the lake for some swimming!" Bill said. We nodded and I walked outside as everyone else took turns changing in the bathroom. They all came out wearing swim trunks.

"You're not going to swim?" Roman asked.

"Nah, I don't like swimming." Roman nodded and we all walked to the lake, where cabin A was already at. I sat on the dock, watching a small family of ducks as everyone else swam.

"Hey Virgin." Someone hissed behind me.

"It's Virgil." I said, rolling my eyes. They walked closer, I could feel them right behind me. I turned around, seeing Damian and Remus. They grinned before tackling me into the lake. I pushed myself to the surface, coughing out the water that managed to slide down my throat. I swam back to the dock and climbed on, glaring at the other two, who were currently laughing their asses off. Roman ran up to me, concern etched onto his face.

"Virgil! What happened?"

"Nothing. I'm going back to the cabin." I mumbled, taking off my jacket and wringing the water out of it. I soon got to the cabin, putting my jacket on a hook near the door to dry, before slipping my shirt off and grabbing my backpack. I grabbed a dark purple tank top and put it on, before grabbing a pair of boxers and sweatpants. I went to the bathroom, changing quickly and put my wet clothes in a plastic bag. I sighed, sitting on my bed and taking out my sketch book and a pencil. I drew a small sketch of the duck family I was watching before everyone else showed up.

"Hey, Virgil. We heard what happened, are you okay?" Patton asked me. I nodded, not looking up from my sketch book. They each took turns changing before Patton decided we should get to know eachother better.

"Okay! What is your favorite hobby? I'll go first!" Patton said, sitting down on the floor next to my bed. "My favorite hobby is baking! Logan, your turn!"

"I enjoy doing puzzles." He said, sitting on his bed.

"My turn! My favorite hobby is singing!" Roman said, grinning and sitting down on my bed, acros from me. They all looked at me, I glanced up, looking at all of them before sighing.

"Drawing. Though those are also some of my favorites." I mumbled, turning the page and beginning to sketch out a person. I looked up, seeing Roman looking at me.

"What?" I asked. he smiled and shook his head, though didn't stop looking at me. I looked at him strangely but eh, might as well use him as inspiration. I began drawing him, glancing up every now and then, seeing him watching me intently. I soon finished, putting my signature at the bottom and tearing it out. I handed it to him.

"Wow! That's really good!" He said. "It looks just like me!"

"That's the point, princey." I said, putting my book away. I looked over, seeing Logan and Patton gone. "Where'd the other two go?"

"They went to the fire pit with everyone else." I looked out the window seeing it was already dark.

"How long had I been drawing?"

"Couple of hours. After the first couple of times we tried to gain your attention so we could continue learning about each other we gave up and just talked about random things. Then I just got tranced at the way you draw. You actually draw very fast it was really cool to watch." He said. I nodded and got up, walking over to my jacket and touching it. I had hoped it was dry but it was still damp, and the cold air wasn't helping. The door opened and Patton and Logan walked in.

"We brought you back a s'more!" Patton said, handing me a s'more before handing Roman one.

"Thanks." I said, taking a bite of it.

"The camp leaders said it was time for bed, so we have to get ready." Logan said, grabbing his pajamas and walking into the bathroom. Everyone changed and got into bed. Around 2 AM it started getting really cold. I shivered, wrapping my arms around myself, though it didn't help. I stood up, putting my shoes on before touching my jacket. Still damp.

"Virgil?" Roman asked softly. I turned around, surprisee that he would be awake.


"Where are you going?" He asked, sitting up.

"I'm going for a walk. It's too cold to sleep and I don't know what else to do." I said, shivering. He climbed off the bunk and waved me over. I walked over and he hugged me. I was surprised, not only by the hug but because of how warm he was.

"You're warm." I mumbled, hugging him back. He laughed and laid on the bed, taking me with him. I yelped, causing him to laugh. He got up and grabbed a blanket from his bunk, laying back down and putting the blanket over us and cuddling me.

"Maybe summer camp isn't going to be that bad." I mumbled before falling asleep.



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