Creativity Block (royality)

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Roman sighed, slumpling onto the couch.

"Hey, honey! What's goty out down in the dumps?" Patton asked, sitting next to the Royal.

"Creativity block. How can I, creativity, have a creativity block?" He asked woefully, draping himself over Patton dramatically.

"That's sucks, Roman. How's about we watch some disney and relax for a while? I'm sure your bound to get better after relaxing!" Patton exclaimed. Roman smiled at his boyfriends enthusiasm.

"Sure, sounds amazing!" Roman said. Patton grinned and got up, rushing out of the room and coming back with a mountain of blankets in his arms. He threw them into the couch, and rushed to the kitchen coming back with what looked like thousands of cookies. He plopped onto the couch, wrapping the two in blankets and putting on The Beauty and The Beast.

About half the movie, a million peppered kisses, constant snuggling, and over half of the cookies, Roman had fallen asleep in Patton's arms, a small smile decorating his face. Patton smiled fondly before picking the prince up and heading towards his room.

He placed him into his bed, giving him a small kiss before putting the comforter over him.

Time skip

Roman woke up the next day, creative thoughts running through his mind. He grinned as a million ideas popped into his head. He got up and rushed down to Patton, who was making breakfast, and gave him a huge hug, accompanied with a kiss.

"Thank you, Patton! I feel so much better, and I no longer have a creativity block! You're the best!"

"Oh, it was no problem, I'm glad you're better, honey!" Patton said, grinning and hugging back.

"Now, I must be off. I have to write a script. I love you!" He said as he began to walk out of the room.

"I love you, too!" Patton called as he turned back to the breakfast, a grin plastered onto his face.

"I love you so much." He whispered.

Hopefully, this is good! Sorry if it isn't.

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