Painless Love (part 2 of heartbroken)

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-RemusxVirgil :)
-this one not as sad, I swear.
-tw: screaming, flashbacks, panic attack

Remus looked around the common room, a small frown on his face.

It had been so different around here without Virgil.

Patton was always sad, though he tried to hide it, it was easy to see. Being the heart, he couldn't help but feel like he was missing something. He cried a lot, always silent.

Logan seemed less focused, he was always staring off into space with a blank expression. Remus thinks it might be because of the sudden rush of emotions he got that day. It isn't affecting him too well.

Janus lied a lot more. He was a mess as well. His cape was abandoned on the floor of his room, forgotten about while he doesn't even remember where he left his hat.

Roman was worst of them all. He was always crying, and sometimes Remus would have to carry him back to his room after he had fallen asleep outside of Virgils. Remus felt bad for his brother, knowing that if he knew it was his fault, he would certainly break down.

Yes, Remus knew it was because of Roman. He saw how Virgil flinched when he began talking that day, and he's known about Virgil's love for Roman for quite some time now.

Remus, he was bad too. Not as bad as Roman, but bad. He couldn't find it in himself to crack a dirty joke or do something disgusting. He was so sad, he couldn't even eat deodorant. He cried in the secrecy of his room, and often had fits of rage down in imagination.

Remus got up, squeezing Romans shoulder supportively before walking to Virgil's room. He heard quiet whimpers from the other side of the door. He summoned a glass of water, knocking on the door.

He didn't get an answer, so instead he tried to push open the door. There was what seemed to be Virgil's desk blocking the way. He shrugged, pushing the door until it budged. He slipped through the opening, closing the door behind him.

He saw Virgil curled up in a ball on his bed, crying softly.

"Hey, Virgil." He started softly. Once he spoke a wave of sadness brushed over him. He shook it off, walking to the bed. "I brought you some water."

Virgil took it without moving from his position. Remus helped him sit up, stretching his legs out. Virgil drank from water, wiping his tears away.

"Jeez, virge. You need to sleep, you look exhausted." Remus said softly as he sat down next to him.

"Can't sleep... Too loud, can't. Can't sleep, hurts." Virgil whispered out, staring straight ahead of him with a blank expression. He slowly began to rock back and forth as he pulled his legs up to his chest and tears slipped past his eyes once again.

Remus pulled him closer, wrapping an arm around him. Virgil limply laid against his chest, listening to the slow beat of Remus's heart.

"Whats too loud, virgil?" Remus asked. "What hurts?"

"Heart hurts. It hurts, hurts. Broken, empty." He whimpered, clutching his chest. He thought about the first question.

"What's too loud, virgil?"

The steady beat of Remus's heart morphed into the steady thumps of Romans bed banging against the wall.


The moans of Janus's name slipping past Romans lips blissfully, screamed in his ears.


Desperate pleads and whimpers.


He pushed himself away from Remus, landing forcefully on the floor as he cried harder. Remus quickly got down, trying to help him but Virgil pushed him away.

"Too loud! Hurts, hurts!" He screamed out, tuck in his head between his knees he he continued to scream. His voice was hoarse, but that didn't stop the screams from crashing through the house.


Everyone flinched violently when the screaming started, Patton and Roman slowly begining to cry.

They both got up, rushing to Virgil's room. They opened the door as wide as it could go, but Virgil threw his arm out, slamming it closed. He began shaking violently, putting his arm to cover his mouth, but it did nothing tto muffle the screams.

"No, no, no! Make it stop! Stop! No more, please! It hurts, hurts!" He screamed, blood slipping past his lips. The noises and feelings from that night ran through his whole body, reminding him, taunting him. Remus slowly began crying, his hands shaking as he reached for Virgil.


Remus cupped Virgil's face in his hands, wiping his tears. Virgil flinched, closing his eyes tighter than they already were. He threw his head back with a blood-curdling scream.

"Please! Remus, help me! Please, help! Hurts!" He sobbed. His chest convulsed, and Remus noticed cracks seeping from under his jacket. A lot more than just his heart was breaking.

"Virgil- Virgil, look at me. Look at me!" Remus grabbed his face once again. Virgil whimpered as he opened his eyes, holding Remus's wrists in his shaking hands. He panted as his screaming stopped, just small whimpers trailing behind.


Remus had always loved Virgil. It wasn't a secret he hid, at least, not to the other sides. everyone but Virgil knew. Remus wiped the blood from Virgil's lips, taking a deep breath before he tugged Virgil in for a deep kiss.


The atmosphere immediately shifted, the sadness that weighed on Remus's chest was gone in an instant.

Virgil pressed his lips further into the kiss, slow tears sliding down his face as the pain in his heart went away, his mind cleared and he stopped shaking. He pulled back, breath shuddering.

"W-why? Remus, I can't get hooked on you, it'll just hurt more, I-" Remus cut him off.

"I love you, Virgil. It's okay if you reject me because then your pain will transfer to me and you'll be okay." Remus said, wiping Virgil's tears.

Virgil wrapped his arms around his neck, kissing him again.

The sounds of that day slowly faded away as he hummed gently.

Quiet, peaceful.

Painless love.

-How was this one? Now I'm going to be in competition with myself because the last one was so good 👀
-I didn't want to end it with Virgil saying "I love you, too" So instead you got kisses :)

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