I remember

813 29 6

-Ahem, sorry about that.
- Yes we have MORE ANGST
-I'm sorry.
Tw: angst, crying, death, blood

"I remember when you first told me you loved me.” Remus recalled quietly. He stared into Virgil’s wide eyes. “You were so anxious, couldn’t stop stuttering.”

“I remember how proud you were that I was finally getting the help I needed with my thoughts and urges.” He grinned, pulling Virgil close. “It sucked when Dr. Picani said he couldn’t treat me anymore. He was too scared, and his husband was there. He said it was to make sure I wouldn’t go crazy and try to kill him or something. You were so sad.”

“I remember when I realized you no longer loved me. You hadn’t told me yet, but I could see it.” Remus gently held his hand. “Your eyes seemed to empty when you looked at me. They weren’t filled with the love you once held for me.”

Remus sniffled, wiping at his eyes. “Why did you try to leave me, Virge? Now look what happened.” He cried, running his hand through Virgil’s hair, matted down and sticky with his own blood.

“I love you. Don’t leave me, please…” Remus wiped his bloody hands against his shirt. He cupped his cold, pale cheek, gently kissing his forehead, so close to the crack in his skull where blood seeped out.  “You didn’t have to stop loving me. Virgil, I love you. Please, come back.”

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