Garden (PYOS)

463 14 8

Tw: death, dead body, crying, cursing

"Come on, this has to work." Logan sighed. He was exhausted. He hadn't slept in days, too busy trying to mix the right potion.

His books were destroyed in the explosion, and he had a limited amount of chemicals left.

The first few potions fixed any damage, but sadly, couldn't bring him back.

It was like the gods were taunting him.

The potions had made him look so alive. His skin was tanned, flushed. His lips were a light pink and some days Logan would let himself imagine he was just sleeping and would wake up any moment. His skin was warm, soft as it always had been.

Logan smiled as the potion blossomed into a bright pink. He let himself get hopeful as he hurried over to the other, pouring it over him.

The dead burnt grass surrounding his body suddenly bursts into a bright green, flowers sprouting from the ground, creating a small, beautiful garden. The colors of the petals matched the other, which just made Logan more hopeful.

How stupid of him.

The other didn't move, just stayed still, chest remaining fallen.

"Please, work." Logan muttered, watching with wide, tear filled eyes. Nothing happened, but every tree for miles grew bright green leaves and flowers decorated the ground. Every pond in the forest cleared, the original murky water cleaning to a bright blue.

But the body on the ground remained just a body.

"Fuck!" Logan fell to his knees, throwing the bottle at the remains of his home. He couldn't control himself as he cried, hitting the ground cursing the gods for taking him away.

"That was supposed to work! Why didn't it work!?" Logan nearly screamed, curling into himself.


Logan gave up.

He had promised himself he wouldn't, but he couldn't do this anymore. He was running out of the necessary chemicals to keep making potions, and he really couldn't bring himself to go into town.

He rebuilt his house the best he could with what he had, which wasn't all that good but it is what it is.

As the years passed, the grass died but always came back. The flowers spouted just as fast as you picked them.

The forest was renamed 'Forever Forest.' Which was a stupid name, but people liked it. It was named that because no matter the season, the leaves stayed perfect.

Much like the body that laid, refusing to decompose, perfect, almost alive. Vines grew over his sides, across his chest and up his arms, almost like the ground was claiming him, a sign that he could never come back.

Every morning Logan sat beside his window, drinking his coffee. He let himself look over him. He hated to admit, but he'd always hoped he would wake up.

He understood that it wouldn't happen, but he let himself hope. Even if it did hurt him everyday.

Hey lol
I wanted to do art for this but I forgot I don't know how to draw
Anyway who do y'all think the other is?
Here's some crappy art lol

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^I drew this one while in the car so I was moving a lot and carsick so sorry it looks weird

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^I drew this one while in the car so I was moving a lot and carsick so sorry it looks weird

Anyway Yes wattpad! Destroy the quality of my drawings! SmhAlso, I was thinking Virgil or Roman, but idkRequests are always open lol So are DMs

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Yes wattpad! Destroy the quality of my drawings! Smh
Also, I was thinking Virgil or Roman, but idk
Requests are always open lol
So are DMs

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