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-Sorry its taken me so long to write something.
tw: Purposely misgendering, threats, cursing, blood

Remus smiled as he wrapped his arms around his partner, who leaned against him. Janus smiled as they slowly sliced and ate an apple.

The bell rang and the two huffed, Remus pecking Janus's cheek before they parted ways.

Remus hid out in the bathrooms, not being up for class today. Or any day for that matter. Another boy walked in. He wasn't someone remus's really knew. He was in his biology class, they were lab partners before Remus stopped going to class.

"Oh, hey! Remus, right?" He smiled slyly. Remus nodded, not bothering to look up from his phone for a proper greeting. "I've been meaning to catch you alone. You're always with that guy janus. He seems to have all your focus."

"Janus goes by they/them."

"Right, whatever. Anyway," He waved his hand dismissively, "I was thinking, you're hot and I'm hot, so maybe you could ditch him and hang out with me for a bit."

"Are you really that fucking slow? I said they go by they/them." Remus glared. "Or are you blind? I know you have english with them, you must see their pronoun pin."

"I'm know he does, he's always going around parading-" He got cut off from Remus punching him square in the nose. He fell back, holding his nose as blood poured down his face.

"Let's try this little game, alright?" Remus pulled the others hair back, causing him to hit head against the wall. He grabbed his chin to make him look at him, ignoring the blood that was getting on his hand. "You tell me what janus's pronouns are, correctly, and I don't cut off your hands and shove them down your throat."

"Whatever, man! Just-just get off, this fucking hurts!" He whimpered.

"Great." Remus ignored him. "Now, what are janus's pronouns?"


"Good job." Remus pushed him away, not bothering to wipe the blood off his hands as he left to find janus, who was no doubt in class.

He tugged open the door to janus's class, the teacher sighing. "Mr. Prince-"


"Right, my apologies. Mr. Duke, you can't come to my class everyday to retrieve Mx. Hiss. It's going to start affecting their grades."

"They do the work and more, they'll be fine." Remus waved his hand dismissively.

"Today's lesson is rather important."

Remus looked over at janus, who was getting something from their bag. They got up, grabbing remus's hand and cleaning the blood off of them. "Explain later. Just come sit with me, you can wait until after class."

Remus groaned though followed, pulling janus into his lap. They glared at him, though continued to take notes.

"Okay, continuing further on the subject of- Mr. Duke! Hands above their waist and over the clothes while in my classroom!"

-I need someone like Remus for when people misgender me lmao
-I don't even bother correcting people anymore.
-She/they but preferably 'they' for anyone wondering.
-really bad art coming your way

 -really bad art coming your way

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