Chapter 74

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Author Note: We are back to the regular schedule chapter, in this chapter lots of gossip and we get call-out on our bad behaviour. 


Feng Jiu slept all day and night, waking up early the next day feeling refresh and terribly hungry. She found herself strong enough to stand up on her own, and when she looked about the room, she saw enchanted candles burning. Donghua's magical signature emanating from them as they burned, he must have been in the room with her and slept on the bed, for she scented him all over the room.

Feng Jiu walked into the bath chambers; after looking around for some time found in the corner of the room a pipe opening with a handle and bucket. When she tried turning the handle, water came out quickly into the bucket, which was more than enough for a bath. After washing up and brushing her teeth, she heard a knock on the door and a voice calling out to her later.

"Serene Highness?"

"ChaCha, come on in." Feng Jiu answered as she slipped on a silk robe and wrapped her hair on a linen cloth.

"Serene Highness, Princess Jie Lou is requesting to see you. Would you like breakfast?" ChaCha contritely noticing that Feng Jiu had bathed on her own.

"Yes to all. I need clothes, ChaCha." Feng Jiu said as she walked back into her chambers.

"Princess Jie Lou brought some new clothing for you to wear. I am sorry I did not hear you wake up." ChaCha said with a worried look on her face.

Feng Jiu was not used to having servants hovering over her. In Qing Qiu, Mi Gu was not really a servant, and he had many duties to attend to. She would do her own dishes and clean the cave; even at Tai Chen Palace, maids did not hover as much. The Bi Yi Nao certainly liked to be waited upon, but it made Feng Jiu uncomfortable.

"Please do not worry as much." Feng Jiu said and sat in a chair by a small table with a water pitcher and some fruits in a bowl. " But I really need clothes, ChaCha."

"I will let Princess Jie Lou come up with the clothing then," ChaCha said and curtsied before disappearing down a stairway Feng Jiu had not noticed before.

This place was so strange. Were they on the second floor of the compound? She would need to go exploring in her fox skin around the residence. And where were Xi Fang and Jia Li? She had been asleep for so long that she was missing bits and pieces of many things.

"Feng Jiu," A voice called out to her, bringing her out of her thoughts, and she saw a young girl in a yellow dress, followed by maids with trays.

"Jie Lou," Feng Jiu said, outstretching her hand and realizing the girl was the small child she had met a few hundred years ago. "I have not seen you since you were a little girl. How are you?"

"I am doing well." Jie Lou said as she took Feng Jiu's hand. "I wanted to see you earlier, but I was in the middle of exams at the academy and could not come. I brought you some of my new clothes for you to wear. I hope you do not mind." She said and took what looked like a silk skirt in a lavender color from one of the trays for Feng Jiu to see.

"Such beautiful embroidery." Feng Jiu said as she felt the fabric with her hands.

A partition was set up, and Feng Jiu slipped the linen undergarments before she was helped with the vest and skirt ties. The dress and skirt's lavender colour made her red hair stand out even more, and Jie Lou plaited and then coiled the hair before setting jewel pins on it.

"You have such beautiful hair." Jie Lou praised as she set the final jewelled pin on her hair, and Feng Jiu stood up from her chair.

"Jie Lou, have you seen my Lord Husband? What is going on in Town?" Feng Jiu asked as they walked down the staircase and into the main receiving area.

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