Chapter 8

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His Lordship walked into one of the many parlours within the Fox palace, this one chamber was particularly old and belonged to the inner structure that was supported by enchanted ruby red rock. There was a heated discussion inside the chamber but as soon as Bai Zhen and him where announced all talk ceased and everyone turned to look at him. 

This morning Dijun was looking embarrassingly young, the magic that had flowed between Feng Jiu and him had being rejuvenating. Bai Yi gave him a look of pure murder and Dijun realized he probably smelled strongly of Feng Jiu even after having bathed and wore sandalwood perfumed silk robes.

A long cherry wood table had been set up in the parlour with a small mountain of enchanted bamboo rolls that where surely containing various versions of the marriage contract, on one side Si Ming and Third Prince sat with an ornate chair in the middle of them that Dijun assumed to be for him, on the other side Bai Zhi sat with his second son to his left and an empty chair on his right that was currently being filled by Bai Zhen. His Brother Zhe Yan, and newly awakened Brother Mo Yuan, sat together by a side table that was filled with confections and fine tea.

"I see you are awake; shouldn't an invalid like yourself be in bed right now resting?" His Lordship asked Mo Yuan who shook his head at him.

"I couldn't possibly miss the comedy about to take place." Mo Yuan answer him and drank his tea.

Dijun ignored him and sat in his chair coolly. "I want the marriage contract signed today, I have promise my Lady Wife Bihai Cangling directly afterwards, no more delays." He commanded and heard the teacup in Bai Yi's hands explode.

"You have some courage showing up here after I found you defiling my daughter and then locked yourself up in Tai Chen Palace with her." Bai Yi began in low quiet rage.

Dijun looked him down his nose at Bai Yi. "I take offense at your words; I have not brutalized her and what has happened between us is our own business. I would make you kowtow at me, banging your head until it bled, but I know you would do it and still be defiant afterwards."

"My daughter is not your wife, you have not signed a marriage contract with us yet, you have no right to take her maiden-" Bai Yi's angry rant was cut short by Bai Zhen when he saw the warning in His Lordship's eyes.

Bai Zhen sharply slammed his fan against the wooden table and said. "I beg you two some sense of civility. Second Brother, Dijun has not harm Feng Jiu, I saw her just now and she is in perfect health. Your Lordship I beg you forgive my Second Brother; Feng Jiu is his only baby and we foxes are incredibly protective of our own."

Dijun nodded at Bai Yi who was gritting his teeth so hard he was sure he could hear the grinding from where he sat. "I will let this go, after all once this day is done, I will officially have to call you father."

"Your relations with her are wrong, Feng Jiu could be your daughter." Bai Yi was being difficult on purpose, of this His Lordship was sure.

"I assure you; I have never had anything to do with your wife." Dijun retorted coldly.

"How far back does this twisted association with my daughter go? I'm beginning to think you where grooming her for this ever since she stayed with you at Tai Chen Palace as a maid." Bai Yi shot back to him.

Dijun glowered at Bai Yi but whatever it was that he would say was cut short by Bai Zhi who had been watching silently and now whacked the table with his fist. "I think that's quite enough." He said and glowered at his son. "Son, my Brother took a very serious vow of celibacy and was ordained a monk, repeating this vicious gossip about my granddaughter and my brother's, supposed illicit relations when she served him as a maid, is serious slander."

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