Chapter 34

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Rated: 18+ for adult themes, sexual content.


When Donghua had sealed away Miao Lou with his cultivation, her consciousness had fallen into an inter dimensional vortex where she floated sometimes awake and at other times asleep. In the cavernous depths of the Demon Realm mountains where the land bordered with Qing Qiu's Northern Lands, the Demon Queen have been interred. Miao Lou's body had buried deep inside the earth of a sacred tree in the Demon Realm, however its purifying abilities where beginning to drain away and it had not even pass a hundred thousands years since the Demoness had been sealed.

His Lordship, Donghua Dijun, appeared in a mist of purple smoke dressed in blue, his face solemn. Donghua looked at Miao Lou, this creature had been the source of much darkness and pain in the universe, she had terrorized the Four Realms and Six Directions for millions of years before he put an end to it. It had always been strange to Donghua that when sealed, Miao Lou had taken her human shape instead of her monstrous primitive form. He stared at her and gently prodded the seal he had place around her, this creature was the greatest threat to Feng Jiu's safety.

"I will come back, Donghua, and when I do, I will kill everyone dear to you. I will turn your world into a living hell." Miao Lou had promised, her eyes crazed as she bared her teeth.

Donghua's eyes tightened around the corners as the Demoness words came back to him. Miao Lou had once taken him to hell, made every second of his existence pure agony. Her sadistic, cruel nature was to be feared because the more fear her victims felt, the more she enjoyed their tortured. Killing Miao Lou would have taken his own life as the battle would have been to the death. It would have also altered the very foundation of the Universe... not that he had not inadvertently done so when he completed his soul bond to Feng Jiu.

Donghua still did not understand how far the ripples of the power they had released together in Bihai Cangling would travel... but it would bring many monsters to his doorstep. Donghua raised his arms as his hands performed hand seals, power emanated from his fingertips and he reinforced the seal surrounding Miao Lou. Satisfied that the spell would hold for a few hundred years to come, Donghua turned and walked out, turning into purple mist and teleporting back to the Nine Heavens.

Miao Lou swayed in the tree branches that tightly coiled around her body and ever so slowly, her eyes opened just a fraction. Fooling Donghua had gotten easier as millennia went by and she recuperated her powers. Opening her red lips, a forked tongue slipped out to taste the air and she caught Donghua's scent intermixed with another. After all this millennia asleep, Miao Lou was hungry.


Donghua returned to Tai Chen Palace and was greeted by the guards standing by the gates. Tai Chen Palace was full of activity as Zhong Li was followed around by small armies of servants as he directed the gardeners to clean out the green sludge that threatened to collect inside the ponds in the main courtyard. His Lordship also spied maids carrying stacks of linen beddings, he would be hosting the entirety of the Bai family for three weeks.

Three blissful weeks of bearing with his father in law, Bai Yi, and his sour grapes disposition towards him, it would be utter bliss. Donghua sighed as walked the corridors towards his chambers where Feng Jiu lay sleeping. If it were not because he adored Feng Jiu, Donghua would have close Tai Chen Palace for the festivities and secluded himself in Bihai Cangling for the next one hundred years. But it was not to be, Feng Jiu loved parties, the louder the better and he was willing to put up with them to make her happy. The tri-fold shield surrounding his chambers were pulled down with a wave of his fingers and Donghua walked past three doors before he entered the main chambers.

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