Chapter 48

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Author's note: I do not get pay for writing fanfic, if you have been a silent reader who has enjoyed this fanfic please consider "feeding" the author by leaving votes and comments.

Rated: 18+ for adult themes and sexual content.


After Supreme Demon Lord Xu Yang was escorted out of the room and thrown in jail the musicians had returned playing a merry that did not fit the mood in the room. Dancing girls twirled around shaking in the air their long silk sleeves as maids served platters of food. Feng Jiu understood Donghua's rage but killing Cang'Ye served little purpose, he would be gone from the Celestial Summer Palace after the celebration and she would not see him again.

Her fate with Cang'Ye was broken and could not be put back together no matter how angry he felt about been wronged. The same could be said for her marriage with Donghua, it could not be torn apart. Copious amounts of wine where brought into the room in clear glass pitchers and the mood seemed to lighten a bit towards the end.

Feng Jiu barely touched the food placed in front of her, she had read the itinerary and there was mention of fireworks in the late evening, but she was not up to it. She would go back to Tai Chen Summer Palace and work over in her mind just why things have descended so sharply into a version of the lower levels of hell.

There was something she was forgetting in this whole fiasco that had made Cang'Ye act this way, looking at her pecking duck Feng Jiu remembered hazily she had met Cang'Ye briefly before she got the idea into her head to steal the soul gathering lamp....

Feng Jiu, dressed in red, saw Cang'Ye descend from the skies of Qing Qiu in his eagle form before mesomorph into his human shape as he landed in the ground. Cang'Ye was the only young man she had dated more than once, he was the kindest of all her suitors and her Lord Father, Bai Yi, approved of the match.

"Little Highness," Cang'Ye said in a smooth voice. "Bai Yi, your Lord Father, has allowed me to come see you this evening. There is to be a festival in the mushroom market with fireworks."

Feng Jiu nodded, she had read the letter and had agree to seeing Cang'Ye again. Perhaps if she insisted on seeing him, she would find something to love and she would forget Donghua. "I would be most honor, Lord Cang'Ye." She said curtsying and summoning a small smile.

The festival was a loud affair with dancing and wine, roaring music filled the air as lanterns lit with magical fireflies hung from ropes with red banners. It was the annual hog festival where pigs would slaughter and roasted in large fires with beer and wine caskets. They danced and ate together, Cang'Ye was kind and gentlemanly.

"I want to have a family, there is this plot of land by a waterfall in Mount Fuyu where I want to build a bamboo house." Cang'Ye said, his eyes tender as he smiled.

Feng Jiu felt he was working up to something when he spoke to her of children and family. It was time for her to marry, all the girls in her age had already done so and where on the way to birthing a second child, only Feng Jiu had been left behind unmarried.

"I would like children very much." Feng Jiu answered and Cang'Ye's eyes lit up as he squeezed her hands gently.

He kissed her that night at the entrance to her Aunt's Fox Den as he walked her back home, Feng Jiu had never been kissed before. Her Aunt and friends had described it as the most exciting, warmest feeling to be kissed by the man one loved but to Feng Jiu it was only a press of the lips as Cang'Ye held her hands and kept his body at a respectful distance.

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