Chapter 5

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This chapter borrows some dialogue from Eternal Love (A.K.A TMOPB) ep 49 and loosely follows it.


Before, Donghua Dijun, had crowned himself Heavenly Lord, he had been known as a fierce warlord and was called Lord of the East. His armies had been vast and his campaigns punishing, His Lordship had learned early on in his military career that secret intelligence and recognizant of territories was key to success when it came to war, he had throughout millennia kept up secret lines of communications and spies in every court in the Realms.

His Lordship had many Spymasters, but amongst his most successful was Third Prince. In his youth, Lian Song had been a terror in the battlefield, feared for his ability to settle a fight in one stroke and known to go into battle rages for hours. Third Prince had quickly risen in the ranks in both esteem and because of his mental acuity in battle strategies, asymmetrical warfare was a hobby of his and he would often employ this before going to the heat of battle to weaken his enemies and assure victory, he was also paranoid and suspicious to the extreme. This had caught the regard of His Lordship, who after having spoken to him at length one day over a game of go, had made him head of his vast network of spies and secret, elite army. Of course, a blood oath of secrecy had been involved before such a title was handed to him.

Si Ming had taken over the name and title of the previous Star Lord, his cunning and intelligence had led him to ferret out every secret of all the Ambassadors sent to the Court in the Nine Heavens. Every time and immortal left to do perform a mortal trial Si Ming would find a way to keep embarrassing information written down that could later be use as blackmail, this too had please His Lordship, who had given him a place at his side recording the secret lives of the aristocracy in the Nine Heavens. Si Ming, had also sworn a blood oath of loyalty to Dijun.

Together, with Lian Song, Si Ming had amassed a wealth of knowledge on the personal lives of all the Immortal Royalty in the Realms and vast military secrets. This knowledge had led to the successful defeat of hundreds of uprisings and to victory in thousands of peace mediations. They had never failed, that is seems until they locked horns with Bai Yi who kept giving them the merry go around.

Third Prince banged the wooden table with his fan several times. "How can it that the sneaky fox signs a marriage contract with Cang'Ye and not one of you notifies me on time despite the hours I was standing outside his residence?" He half yelled exasperated.

Si Ming was drinking in a corner of the room staring at the neat rows of kneeling spies. He and Third Prince would have to report to His Lordship yet another failure, this time a colossal one, and he wasn't looking forward to banging his head in the cobblestones once again. None of the soldiers kneeling in front of Third Prince utter a word, and together in unison, kowtowed and begun to bang their heads.

"What good is the lot of you banging your heads now? How am I to explain to Dijun this terrible failure?" Third Prince's voice shook, and he turned to his cup of wine, gulping down the alcohol in large swigs. "Get me all we have on Cang'Ye Shenjun. Maybe we can throw him in jail. Fabricate the evidence if you must!"

Suddenly, the door to the chamber they where meeting in was slammed opened and two guards came in running and out of breath, kneeling by Third Prince they kowtowed. "Your Highness, there is no marriage contract being registered by Nuwa, and she has not been notified of any such intentions by Cang'Ye."

Si Ming breathe a sigh of relief going limp in his chair, Bai Yi lied about the marriage contract, may be all he had done was entered into formal negotiations with Cang'Ye. Third Prince leaned against the wooden table he was sitting by heavily, a hand going to his heart as he promptly thanked the Buddha.

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