Chapter 49

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Author's Note; I want to thank everyone who has commented and voted on this fanfic. I am so happy people feel engaged when they read it. Thank you so much.


Feng Jiu and Donghua slept until late in the evening, she was exhausted after their passionate love making and only woke up because she felt ravenous. Donghua was still sleeping and Feng Jiu looked at his face, no one had ever seen him like this, Donghua had never shared a bed with anyone before their relationship begun. He confided to her, in a quiet voice, that he did not feel safe sleeping with others and had only found deep sleep whenever they spoon together to sleep. Her fingers traced his perfect eyebrow and the shell of his ear before catching onto his dark stubble. She thought it charming that only the hair on his head was silver while everywhere else it grew a stark black. She ran her knuckles over his nose, caressing gently before tracing his full lips. Donghua shifted in his sleep slightly and Feng Jiu paused before retracting her hand.

Feng Jiu had thought he slept better because of the bond between them, but he had once had a nightmare he had not wanted to share with her even after she asked. Donghua had meditated deeply shortly afterwards and he had not had anymore night terrors. She was another story, Donghua had to seal away her clairvoyant gift in order to stop the nightmares she had experienced while they trained together in Bihai Cangling. Disengaging from his arms, Feng Jiu turned and winced as she took noticed of the soreness in her center. She had been so aroused that all she could think of was having his cock in her, but she could feel that the aftermath of their lovemaking was serious soreness in between her legs.

Looking down the bed, Feng Jiu saw the remains of her nightgown that had somehow ended in the floor. She did not remember taking it off, scrunching her face, she lifted her silk nightgown with her hands and noticed Donghua had ripped it right down the center. She liked this nightgown, it had the lacy top with small pearl buttons, and it matched her golden thread embroider silk robe, which was also ruined. Making a disgruntled face, Feng Jiu tossed aside her ruined nightgown, the seamstress will be quite busy again at the rate Donghua ripped her clothes.

Sharp pangs of hunger reminded Feng Jiu that she needed food, looking over their night table, she saw the watched was striking almost six in the evening. She had special menus on rotation for each day and in an hour or so food would serve under the glass canopy decorated with white potted flowers in the garden. She needed a shower and later she needed food, huge amounts of food.


Food was suddenly all she could think about.

Roasted lamb with juicy fat dripping off it as it cooked on the open flames.

Crispy asparagus with ginger and garlic.

Steamed jasmine rice topped with sautéed vegetables.

Roasted eggplant with quinoa salad.

Mixed green salad with pecans and apples in a raspberry sauce with goat cheese.

"I am feeling hungry just listening to your thoughts." Donghua's voice interrupted Feng Jiu's food daydreams.

Feng Jiu turned, slightly startled he had heard her thoughts, perhaps she had been thinking too loudly. She saw him wide awake and with some rather scary looking scratch marks on his arms.

"You are thinking rather loud." Donghua said stretching underneath the silk covers. "You are broadcasting right now."

Feng Jiu gasped remembering the flow of magic between them had grown so wild it had shattered their shields. Taking a deep breath, she easily calmed herself and gently placed a shield between their thoughts.

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