Chapter 63

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Author's note: I had initially planned for this to be a long chapter, but I felt the ending DongFeng scene fits now. More DongFeng talking about their relationship next chapter.

Rated: 18+ for adult themes and sexual content.


Donghua left for the peace negotiations between the Fairies and the Ghouls right the next day when it became clear they were gearing up for another confrontation. Before leaving, he told Feng Jiu he would return in time for their anniversary and see the Yueling Flowers at the Festival.

Feng Jiu had seen leave with Xi Fang and Jia Li at her side; they would watch her from the shadows while Donghua was gone. Her Uncle Bai Zhen and Zhe Yan took residence in the only spare bedroom in the house where they would stay until her husband returned.

There was also another matter to attend to that she broached during breakfast the second day that Donghua had left to Bai Quian, Bai Zhen and Zhe Yan as they breakfasted with the children.

"Auntie, I have no sword. I burned out the steel." Feng Jiu said to Bai Quian, who put down her bowl and stared.

"It is burned out?" Bai Quian asked in amazement.

"Yes," Feng Jiu nodded as she ate the sweet potato paste she had made the other day.

"How?" Bai Quian asked, unable to understand how the magical artifact had suffered such an end.

"A little bit before I fought the nian, I started having trouble channelling magic through it when I had a training session with my Lord Husband. I burned through the magical enchantment on the steel and almost melted it when I last used it in a fight." Feng Jiu said.

"Do you know how long it took me to make that sword?" Bai Quian asked. "I had to source the material myself in the mountains and then take it to a special smithy. The enchantment took weeks to put together before I could successfully sink it into the steel."

"I understand, but I have no sword." Feng Jiu said and shrugged. "I sourced some special steel to make the sword I would leave behind for my Bing Cang ceremony, and I tried to channel magic through the leftovers, but they burned out as well."

"You need a sword," Bai Zhen interjected. "A special sapphire that takes to magical enchantments is mine here in the mountains."

"Where?" Feng Jiu asked, wanting to give it at least a try. Donghua had offered her a unique hilt that he had carved himself, but the blade material needed to be sourced independently, or the enchantments would never take hold.

"Deep in the forest, there is an entrance to a sapphire mine. All of the surface rocks have been sourced, and you might need to go deeper." Bai Zhen answered.

"This is very dangerous." Zhe Yan said disapprovingly. "The deeper underground, the more danger of ending up caved in."

"I can always just teleport in and out." Feng Jiu said, and the whole table began to laugh. "What is so funny?"

"Xiao Jiu, you cannot teleport in Fanyin Valley. The magical currents do not allow it. You have to cloud ride and then open the valley to leave it." Bai Quian said as she wiped a tear out of her eye.

"Oh." Feng Jiu said, deflated, getting a new sword was proving rather tricky.


Donghua came back four days later, late in the evening, when she made dinner for Bai Zhen and Zhe Yan. She felt him pass through the shields surrounding their residence and ran outside, where he materialized in the middle of the courtyard. Feng Jiu threw her arms around his neck and felt him hug her to his chest. Burying her face into his neck, she breathed in his scent and heard his heartbeat.

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