Chapter 13

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Donghua and Feng Jiu cloud ride to Kun Lun mountain. Feng Jiu was in her fox skin, her size much larger than her pitifully small form, she now reached her husbands hip. She was still able to don a smaller size, but she liked having him recline against her, she could sweep her tails over him and nuzzle her nose against his face. The shields where firmly in place at Kun Lun mountain as Mo Yuan's disciples rally around him in protection, the shields manifested as a white mist where creatures and immortals would be lost for hours on end wandering inside the illusion. Feng Jiu saw her husband easily bypass the illusions with a flick of his bore fingers. The cloud dissipated as they reached the submit and they gently landed on the stone courtyard of Kun Lun mountain. Mo Yuan with Zhe Yan at his side where waiting for them and to Feng Jiu's surprise, she saw her Aunt and Fourth Uncle with them as well.

Metamorphosing back to her human form she stared at them for a beat but then quickly realized that her Fourth Uncle tag along with Zhe Yan everywhere and her Aunt was probably caring for her Master. Bai Zhen stared at her hair, it was just as his husband had said, Feng Jiu had ascended while in Bihai Cangling. "Come say hello." Bai Zhen called out to Feng Jiu who ran up to him and hugged with a mischievous smile.

Bai Quian looked over Feng Jiu's hair that now fell to her knees, the kit had finally manifested, this would be good news for her Lord Father. Feng Jiu needed now to take on greater responsibilities and studies if she was to gained support within the Council of Lords and Ministry of War that was governed by the Fox King. Hugging Feng Jiu to her, Bai Quian found her niece a full three inches taller than her and all muscle.

"Feng Jiu, greet my Master." Bai Quian instructed her as she presented her to Mo Yuan. "Master this is my niece, Bai Feng Jiu."

Feng Jiu was astonished as she looked at the God of war, she had seen him before leaving with her husband to Bihai Cangling but she actually forgotten his face completely. Donghua walked up the stairs to the main temple at a sedate pace and came to stand besides Feng Jiu who was staring wide eye at Mo Yuan, no doubt shocked at the resemblance with Crown Prince. Once Donghua reached her side Feng Jiu blindly sought his arm, Mo Yuan and Ye Hua where identical there was almost no differences that she could see, how could her Aunt had gone to bed with a man that looked exactly like the Master she had proclaimed to be like a father to her?

"Feng Jiu." Bai Quian prompted snapping her out of her thoughts.

"You are finally awake." Feng Jiu said and immediately felt stupid.

"Feng Jiu don't be so rude to my Master." Bai Quian admonish.

"My apologies High God, when I saw you standing there I could hardly recover from the surprise. It's just that I have only ever seen you asleep in Yan Hua cave-" Feng Jiu was rambling.

Bai Quian cleared her throat loudly and Feng Jiu swallowed her words, regaining her composure she tried again. "I meant, now that you are awake-"

Bai Quian lightly smacked Feng Jiu's arm with her fan effectively shutting her down. Feng Jiu bit her tongue and said that next polite thing that came to mind. "Feng Jiu greets High God Mo Yuan. You are looking so energetic and awe inspiring. I could not adapt quickly enough. Please forgive me."

"It's fine." Mo Yuan said.

Zhe Yan laughed with Bai Zhen at her stuttering but Donghua raised his eyebrows in mockery. "Energetic? Mo Yuan is an invalid. You shouldn't walk around so much; your knees might fail you." He said before producing a small vial from his sleeve and having it float to Mo Yuan. "Mayhap, this could help you stay awake."

Feng Jiu could see the weave of fairy magic that her husband had deposited in the glass water vial, this was enchanted water from the magical springs of Bihai Cangling.

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