Chapter 66

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Author's note: DongFeng in love feature prominently in this chapter. Please do not forget to vote and comment.

Rated: 18+ for adult themes and sexual content.


Donghua came back late in the afternoon from his meeting with Queen Juno. Feng Jiu had said goodbye to Yan, and Hou Ming left with Mi Gu back to the Eastern Lands and was in the kitchen preparing for dinner. He materialized inside their living room with a large chunk of sapphire, and the shields surrounding their residence rose up, sealing them away from the outside world.

Feng Jiu sensed him through their mental bond and stepped away from carving up the lamb roast, almost running out of the kitchen to greet him. She gasped when she saw the massive rock in their living room.

"Is that..." Feng Jiu said, staring at him in wonder. "Is that for me?"

"I have brought you the sapphire," Donghua said with a small smile and found himself been tackled to one of the large lounge chaises in the living room.

"Oh, I love you," Feng Jiu said as she climbed over him and kissed his lips.

"If I had known I would get such a reward, I would have come sooner," Donghua said in amusement as they kissed, and his arms embraced her around the waist.

Feng Jiu cupped his face in her hands and smiled at him before she straddled his hips to sit up and look at the large rock. "That was so quick." She said, and she felt his hands coming to rest at her hips. "How come?"

"I told you it would be easy for me," Donghua said and sat up to kiss her lips, his tongue lightly touching her own as she opened her mouth and kissed him playfully.

"You teleported in and out." Feng Jiu said and puffed out her cheeks, remembering how she had been told it would be impossible for her. "No one can do that, but you can." She said and saw arrogance in his eyes.

Donghua quirked his lips into a smile as he saw her pushed off from his lap to inspect the stone. Standing up to follow her, he cut off a small piece from the large rock he had brought. "You need to channel some energy into the sapphire. If you do it right, you can forge not only a blade for the hilt I gave you but a dagger as well."

Feng Jiu took the sapphire piece in her hands and turned it over lightly, feeling it pulsing with magic. Taking a deep breath, Feng Jiu centred herself and gently push a bit of magic into the sapphire, seeing it glow slightly before it turned off.

"It did not change shape?" Feng Jiu said, upset and tried to pulse magic into the stone once again, hoping to change it into a smooth sphere.

"You are pulsing too much raw magic into it. It is supposed to be only the slightest thread of energy." Donghua said and took the stone from her fingers. "This is a small piece; changing it to the smooth sphere you wanted should be easy. It is working the enchantment for a blade that is difficult." He looked at the stone, and Feng Jiu saw his eyes flashed purple before the rock turned into a perfectly round little ball.

"Oh, wow," Feng Jiu breathed as he gave deposited the sphere into her waiting hands.

"I will cut up another piece, and you will work into trying to change its shape," Donghua said as he sliced with his powers another small chunk of rock.

Feng Jiu lightly ran her fingertips over the smooth sapphire sphere and felt a whisper of Donghua's power still left behind. He had turned it into a round ball with little effort when it had been a jagged piece of rock. Focusing her energies on the stone, she tried to pull apart the waves of magic that Donghua had worked in to change its shape and found a knot of power in the rock. In her mind, Feng Jiu pulled the string of magic gently and in her hands, the stone pulse once before unfurling into flower.

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