Chapter 77

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Author's note: In this chapter, Donghua gives out unexpected love advice and then practices what he preaches. Please, don't forget to like and comment on your fav parts.


Feng Jiu lay on her husband's chest, seated on his lap inside a large tub filled with hot water and rose oil. She was pleasantly sore from the night before, and a sigh escaped her as she recalled what they had done in a fit of passion. It had felt so good to be penetrated as such that she was almost regretful they had not tried before. Fear that it would hurt and ignorance had kept her from experiencing a delicious pleasure that had left her shaking in his arms.

Donghua kissed the birthmark over her forehead tenderly and felt her arms snaking up around his neck. He pressed their naked bodies under the water closer, one of his hands rubbing soothing circles on her shoulder blades. Feng Jiu purred in his arms; the shields that usually kept them separate had torn apart last night during lovemaking, and he could feel her relaxed. He had not planned to penetrate her as he had last night, but her arousal had looped back into him, and all reason had fled his mind as it usually whenever he bedded Feng Jiu.

"Sweet love," Donghua murmured. "Last night, I was rather rough-"

"You were not rough. It was wonderful. Oh, we must do it again." Feng Jiu purred lustfully, remembering the orgasm she had experienced and shivering in excitement. "Why did we not do it sooner? We should have."

"We will do it as often as you want, my girl," Donghua said, aroused at her eagerness to try again and relieved she did not feel he had been harsh.

Feng Jiu cupped his cheek with her small hand and pressed her lips against his own. Arousal began to bubble forth between them, and Donghua's hands caressed her skin under the water. His soft lips moved over her mouth, coaxing them open as she slipped his tongue inside her mouth, making her toes curl.

A sound interrupted them, and Feng Jiu's ears perked up as she heard the silver mirror on top of the dresser in the bed chambers adjacent to the bathing room chimed. Breaking the kiss from Donghua, she watched him raised his hand and called forth the small silver mirror. The bamboo doors to the room flew open, and the mirror floated to his hand, where he activated it only for a voice to be heard.

"Lian Song pays his respects to His Lordship," Lian Song's voice said, and Feng Jiu jumped slightly glad that he could not see they were in the tub naked.

"Report," Donghua commanded.

"Dijun, I have made the trip for the usual intelligence report."


Donghua sat in a dais drinking white tea while Lian Song reported on Ye Hua. Crown Prince had to be given the throne, but a few problems needed to be smoothed out before such an event. However, Third Prince had terrible news, and His Lordship was thinking that Ye Hua would only ever be a placeholder for the next Heavenly Lord.

"The brainwashing goes too deep for Ye Hua to ever effectively rule without Hao De having some form of influence on him. Even when presented facts and proof, he still refuses to believe the truth he is shown." Lian Song said as he walked about the room with a fan in his hand.

"High Goddess Bai Quian will be a more effective ruler. She is cunning and easily able to discern lies. Mo Yuan was my first choice, but he rebuffed me and went right back to Kun Lun mountain." Donghua said, remembering the headache that conversation had been.

"The God of War becoming Heavenly Lord would have been seen favourably by the Celestial Tribes. But Ye Hua is still a good choice, and he has proven himself." Third Prince said.

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