Chapter 2

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Si Ming returned to the Nine Heavens not looking forward to informing His Lordship that his suit had been soundly rejected by Bai Yi. He understood that the entire situation was rather odd, Dijun had never sought a marriage contract with anyone family in the Realms yet here he was asking for the hand of Qing Qiu's Little Princess in marriage. Entering Tai Chen Palace, a maid was waiting for him and directed him to the Serenity Gardens where His Lordship was playing a game of go with the Third Prince. Rarely was a game of go just a game in the palace, perhaps Zhong Li had sent information to His Lordship via the Third Prince.

The minute he was spotted Third Prince wave at him with his fan, he looked tense to Si Ming mayhap he was losing the game to His Lordships superior skills... once again. "Dijun. Third Prince." Si Ming bowed and sat when a maid provided a pillow for him.

"Si Ming what is this important business that Dijun sent you on? He has been very tight lip about it and will not tell me a thing." Third Prince was obviously seeking a distraction in order to cheat on the game when His Lordship looked away from the board, he had done this before whenever it looked like he was about to lose.

"Speak freely, Si Ming, I am anxious to hear the news." Donghua said as he finally turned to look at Si Ming. His Lordship now had visible shadows and signs of aging on his face, his shoulders looked slightly slumped forward.

"I'm afraid..." Si Ming stalled looking around at the board, and then at the Third Prince, who was looking at him in earnest to hear the news. "... you have been refused, Dijun, His Majesty has denied his consent to parlay a marriage contract for the Little Princess hand in marriage."

"What did you say?" Third Prince was bewildered at the words coming from Si Ming. "You want to marry that lassie barely out of the school room? "He continued, turning to Donghua and pointing at him with his fan so his sleeve would cover the game board while he tried to move some pieces with his other hand.

His Lordship just sighed and stared at the Third Prince's cheating hand, noticing Donghua's gaze Liang Song promptly folded it into his sleeve. "Si Ming, you have failed me." Dijun declared and place a white stone on the board, at this Si Ming immediately kowtow.

"You haven't answered my question." Third Prince insisted ignoring Si Ming repeatedly beating his head against the ground in penance.

"What is there to say? You heard, Si Ming, I wish to marry Bai Feng Jiu, she has left me lovesick and her father has refused to parlay a marriage contract." His Lordship said this with little inflection in his voice, but Third Prince was suspicious of him.

"Quit squinting at me." His Lordship told Third Prince and turning to Si Ming he said. "Stop beating your head and think of a way to redeem yourself."

Third Prince couldn't pass up the opportunity to be part of the most bewildering event in all the Kingdoms. "I'll help you in trying to convince Bai Yi. You can't go and present yourself, its not tradition, I will arrange for gifts and a grand speech. I'm sure to secure at least a maybe from the stubborn fox."

"Dijun, I do have one crucial piece of information." Si Ming begged, his forehead was red, but it wasn't bleeding just yet. "Bai Yi says he will consider no more proposals until the Little Princess awakens. You see, she has recently taken ill and will not wake up."

Donghua pierce Si Ming with his deadliest of glares. "Just now you tell me this?"

Si Ming returned to kowtowing and beating his head against the stones, this time he would do so to the point of injury because His Lordship got on his feet and walked away from them both.



Not waking up.

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