Chapter 31

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Rated: 18+ for adult themes, sexual content.


Feng Jiu had packed a few dresses in a small chest as well as a set of pants, and shorter shirts she had commissioned the seamstress to make, and had use the enchanted ring she had been gifted for her wedding day by her mother to carry her luggage. Donghua had left Zhong Li, his steward, with instructions to close Tai Chen Summer Palace and cleared his schedule at Court as he would go to Bihai Cangling with his Lady Wife for meditation. Feng Jiu studied her husband's face as she came closer to him, he looked calmer than earlier in the day but deep down she knew that it was a façade, Donghua was rattle. She took his outstretch hand in her own and together they dissolved into purple mist as they travelled through the Celestial Summer Palace and reached the gates, where he teleported them to Bihai Cangling.

Together, Donghua and Feng Jiu appeared standing on a cloud in the sky on the edges of the Starlight Ward that opened with a wave of Donghua's hand. The cloud they rode glided forward as they where allowed entry into his island home and deposited them in front of Shaoyang Manor. The glittering, pink and golden marble structure carved into the mountain side never failed to take Feng Jiu's breath away. The power emanating from the Manor pulsed in the air like a soothing lullaby, Feng Jiu had not been here since their honeymoon almost four years ago. Following Donghua through the bridge that connected to the luminescence courtyard and pass the enchanted waterfall that fed the crystal-clear river that ran around the Manor, they entered the main house. Feng Jiu found herself sleepy, her eyes tire from having worry sick over where Donghua had gone and what had gone wrong between them.

Donghua led her into their chambers where Feng Jiu proceeded to release the chest of clothes hidden in her enchanted ring by the clothes rack. Undoing the laces around her simple dress, Feng Jiu took off the skirt first and then the embroider vest to hang them in the clothes rack, her pantalettes and inner shirt followed and later her breast binding. Naked, she pulled on a soft pink nightgown and laid down in the bed mystified Donghua had not approached to help her out of her clothing.

Donghua approached her with uncharacteristic caution, his hands in front of him and his eyes guarded as they stared at each other. "I will pull down the shields I build around your powers and mine, I will do so slowly. I need you to be ready."

"Are you upset to touch me?" Feng Jiu asked in a small voice.

Donghua paused as he looked at her, behind her shields lay the magic that sprung forth when they completed their soul bonding and it was terrifying. He still could not understand what she had done to her Aunt and Ye Hua when she touched them... he did not know what she would do to him when their magic fused together. There was hurt in her eyes as the silence stretched further and she waited from an answer from him, her emotions beginning to banged against his mental shields, Feng Jiu never liked when he shielded from her emotionally.

"I am... apprehensive, my girl." Donghua said softly.

"Why?" She asked.

"I do not know what will happen once you and I give free rein to the magic between us." His answer was so simple, Feng Jiu felt apprehensive as well, but she knew there would no longer be pain between them as it had been when they first mixed their blood.

"You are afraid I will change you." Feng Jiu stated and saw him go still confirming her qualms. "You are afraid to feel the way you did when you kissed me in the palace kitchens."

Donghua briefly looked away from her and then said. "I am afraid to harm you."

Feng Jiu wanted to say he could never harm her, but that would be a lie, instead she said. "Will you show me your true form?"

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