Chapter 69

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Author's note: Life is really cramping my writing. I have a set amount of words I need to write every day to write a chapter a week, and lately, many things have gotten in the way. Life is starting to calm down, and I am back in the flow, watching the TV shows for inspiration and writing.

Rated: 18+ for violence and coarse language.


It felt like a small ripple in a pond, and only in the stillness of dawn did Feng Jiu caught it as it slipped past.

The moment she had mixed her blood with Donghua, Master of Universe, she had gained the ability to sense the Universe and its many portals. The fabric of dimension that separates their home universe from trillions of other possibilities was always tested by powerful beings but very rarely punctured to make way for them. However, this time was different, and she felt it the moment the fabric was skillfully sliced open and a host of beings burst through.

Donghua and Feng Jiu were practicing yoga outside when they both felt the change in the air. Feng Jiu knew at once what had happened, and she opened her eyes as she twisted her body to stand upright, looking towards the direction of the mountain tops.

"Was that... Miao Lou?"Feng Jiu asked cautiously, unable to discern the power signature.

"Impossible. I injured her shadow badly when we fought." Donghua said thoughtfully. "Perhaps, it is Li Mei and one of her sisters."

"How could they have sliced open the dimensional fabric?" Feng Jiu asked.

"Bai Shui Mountain is a mass of dark energy. The black magic that Miao Lou and her acolyte's practice there has weakened the shields that kept us separated." Donghua said as his senses tested the weakened fabric of space. "I will have to deal with this."

"No," Feng Jiu said, turning to Donghua and seeing his determined face. "Please, call Zhe Yan. Crown Prince is still in the village. Do not go alone."

"I will not go alone, but you must stay here," Donghua said as his hands rose to cup her elbows.

Feng Jiu wanted to argue, but she bit down her tongue, remembering she did not have a sword, and without a weapon, she was vulnerable. "I shall stay," She said reluctantly, her shoulders tense.


Yan sliced a large spider in half, fluid spraying everywhere and staining his black armour. His eyes flashed red, and the bones in his face sharpened. Raising once hand, he performed a couple of seals that cast blue fire over the monster's remains and raised his sword once again to kill another beast.

"Tell me again why I said yes to helping you, Ice Face?" Yan asked.

Donghua, dressed in silver armour and purple silks, walked forward and summoned the Cang He in a flash of purple light. "Because I promised you food and war supplies."

"Oh, yes. I sold my time for some carbs. Who is taking care of Xiao Jiu?"

"Ji Heng is an excellent swordswoman and a powerful enchantress. She will keep my Lady Wife safe." Donghua said, raising his eyebrows.

"Perfect put Ji Heng into more danger," Yan said as he turned to Donghua and raised his sword in his direction. "I have a real problem with that, Ice Face. Ji Heng has suffered much because of you."

Donghua raised his eyebrows at Yan mockingly. "Ji Heng is an elite soldier at my command. She took the mission to spy in the Demon Realm of her own accord. You do wrong in underestimating her."

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