Chapter 58

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Author's note: In this chapter, everyone talks about relationships. Next chapter, DongFeng tried to sort out their baggage. 

Rated: 18+ for adult themes.


Feng Jiu cried herself silly in Donghua's arms and had tired from such a high of emotions ending up with her asleep. She had a pleasant dream, flashes of happy moments before she felt herself broke out in a sweat. It felt like she was running a fever, but she calmed as she felt a cold, wet cloth over her face.

"Husband, I love you," Feng Jiu mumbled before she took hold of the hand that was dabbing at her face with a wet cloth. Running her fingers over the hand, Feng Jiu felt this hand was smaller than Donghua's and had long nails at the end.

"I supposed Dijun has replaced me," Her mother's voice said above her and Feng Jiu opened one eye to see her Lady Mother looking at her back.

"Mama," Feng Jiu gasped and tried to seat up only to find her head spinning.

"Jiu'er, my kittling," Biyu said and helped Feng Jiu reclined back into the cushions."Your father and I rushed to the valley when we got a message from Dijun. I was so afraid, Dijun left without saying a word, and we did not know where to look for you." She said, and seating up, smoothed Feng Jiu's hair away from her face.

"Where the spider woman took me, only Donghua could go and bring me back." Feng Jiu said her mother's face grew tight.

"Your Grandfather said that Donghua had promised him to take care of you. That you would return, he was not wrong." Biyu said thickly and dabbed at her eyes.

"Where is father?" Feng Jiu asked as she took hold of her mother's hand and held on tightly.

"Your father is speaking with your Lord Husband in the parlour, and your grandfather is also here." Biyu said and stretched out her hand to serve Feng Jiu some water. "I heard the happy news from Zhe Yan. I am so happy you are pregnant."

Feng Jiu smiled and sat up to take the glass her mother offered. "Me too," She answered and drank the water feeling thirsty.

"Goddess Grandmother said she knew all along since you were feeling unwell at Zhe Yan's Peach Orchard." Biyu said, and Feng Jiu nodded.

"I was pregnant then," Feng Jiu said. "It was too early to tell, but perhaps if Zhe Yan had taken my pulse, he would have known."

"Is your Lord Husband happy? He barely twitched an eyebrow, and it was Zhe Yan who told me." Biyu asked gently.

"Donghua is very private, but he is delighted." Feng Jiu said and then confided. "He says I have given him a gift."

Biyu nodded pleased. "I always worried that this relationship with Dijun would be one sided, Jiu'er, that you would love him more. I went to war against the Demon Realm under his command, and he looked to me like such a cold, unfeeling man. I saw no softness in him; even Crown Prince has a measure of softness in his demeanour."

Feng Jiu nodded, listening to her mother speak and letting her soothe the burn in her forehead with a cool cloth.

"When you returned home after trying to repay his kindness of saving your life, and you told me you were in love with him, I was in disbelief. I thought he had... harmed you, and you were trying to rationalize it away as love." Biyu said.

"No, my Lord Husband has never harmed me," Feng Jiu said vehemently.

"Later, I thought he had seduced you, promise you thing he could not give you and then sent you away. Sometimes, Jiu'er, I still think that something happened between him and you." Biyu said and looked at her daughter closely, but Feng Jiu guarded her face giving nothing away. "But now that the two of you are married and I see you so very happy. I daresay for all his coldness towards other people, Dijun loves you very much. At least this what Bai Quian affirms very strongly since she has seen the two of you more closely."

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