Chapter 44

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Author's note: Short chapter, more to come later. I could not update yesterday and saw duplicates of unpublished chapters, it seems to have been a glitched that has resolved itself now.


The throne room in the Fox Palace had been decorated with small flowering trees, music played in the air and all high ranking noble lords in Qing Qiu had been given a place to witness the Heavenly Decreed that High Goddess Bai Quian would become Crown Princess Consort to Ye Hua. A throne chair had been set for Donghua who entered the throne room with all the Celestial Tribe Noble Lords but only a handful of guards and a few maids, the bridal palanquin was waiting outside the palace. Feng Jiu had let go of her husbands hand and had taken her place in the family line where she was fourth after her Uncle Bai Zhen, her uncle Bai Lei sat in a corner still recovering and would formally attend the banquet but would stay with the rest of the family at Tai Chen Summer Palace. Donghua sat in the chair in between Bai Zhi and his Lady Wife and watched Bai Quian approached them, kneeling with the help of two maids. Lian Song approached His Lordship and received a silk scroll where the Heavenly Decreed pronouncing Bai Quian Crown Princess Consort was written.

"All kneel to hear the Heavenly Decreed." Lain Song said as he prepared to read from the silk scroll.

Feng Jiu bowed and gracefully fell to her knees, her dress pooling around her like a purple cloud. She briefly lifted her eyes and found Donghua staring at her making her flushed red, his regard overwhelming and she knew everybody was looking at them. Donghua and Feng Jiu hardly ever appeared in public, she was always busy with the affairs of the Eastern Lands of Qing Qiu and Donghua only ever attended which was strictly for men. Feng Jiu looked away from his intense eyes and belatedly saw Xinyi in her russet fox skin chasing Ah Li in his tiny dragon form around a curtain. Where was Na Nai?"

"High Goddess Bai Quian of the Fox Clan of Qing Qiu is virtuous, prudent... good at cooking... and respectful." Lian Song read in a booming voice as he had magically enchanted his throat to project his voice in the throne room, stuttering towards the end when he noticed Feng Jiu.

Feng Jiu had begun to move slowly away from the family line hoping no one would notice and closed her eyes, clenching her teeth, in embarrassment when she noticed Lian Song stuttered a bit.

"Wise and powerful, she is an excellent match for Ye Hua, Crown Prince of the Nine Heavens. May the peace alliance between the Fox Clan of Qing Qiu and the Celestial Tribe of the Nine Heavens prosper under this marriage and bring blessings to the Universe."

Xinyi yipped after her little brother and Feng Jiu performed a few simple hand seals under her long sleeves sending a slight gust of magic that pushed the two children out of the room. Donghua stared in amusement as Feng Jiu disappeared in a mist of red smoke to chase after the children and he followed her in puff of purple leaving everybody dumbfounded.


Feng Jiu chased after Xinyi and Ah Li out in the forest through a webbed of long green grass and puddles of mud, gathering her long skirt in one hand, she was grateful that her clothes had been enchanted so nothing would stain them. "Ah Li. Xinyi." She called out and heard Xinyi laughing in her fox skin, the little girl jumped in her russet skin form over the grass trying to snap her older brother in her jaws.

"Quit that!" Ah Li screamed in a human voice as he flew away from his sister. "Someone save me!"

"Ah Li. Xinyi come here right this minute." Feng Jiu yelled after them trying to sound severe as she debated whether to turn into her fox form or carry the children back in bubble of magic.

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