Chapter 15

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This chapter takes some plot lines from Eternal Love or TMOPB TV show ep 53 and 54. 

Rated: 18+ for adult themes, sexual content. Bai Feng Jiu/Dong Hua Dijun fanfiction lemon.


The break of dawn was Feng Jiu's favourite part of the day, in the stillness of the night before the sun broke through the darkness she could meditate and stand on her head. She had been incredibly flexible before training with Donghua but he had taken her hand stands to a new level where she could now easily flex and hold positions that hurt before. Gently Feng Jiu stretched her limbs and slowly bend towards to the ground keeping her legs straight she moved her head side to side, feeling the flow of magic as she fell into a meditative state. Slowly exhaling, Feng Jiu stepped her feet forward bending her right knee and keeping her left leg straight behind her. Donghua had asked her if she had been amenable to practicing tantric yoga with him, Feng Jiu had agree with much enthusiasm and together they had embark into a sensual morning ritual that had stabilize their young soul bond helping them to better understand this magic that had sprung forward when they had mixed their blood. Lightly falling to her forearms, Feng Jiu lifted one leg in the air and exhale as she found balance before lifting the remaining leg and straightening her spine.

This is how Donghua found her as the sun was beginning to peak over the horizon, with a wave of his hands he placed a privacy shield, shedding his outer robes and boots he gently began to stretch as well. Last night, Feng Jiu had been so perturbed by the clairvoyant gift wanting to manifest that she had not responded to him as keenly as other times to make love, finally when he had noticed her far away eyes as he kissed her body he had given up, his own desire subsiding and had fallen asleep while holding her in his arms. Falling to his hands Donghua stood on his own hands as he breathed circularly and felt Feng Jiu become in tune with his aura through their mental bond. He breathed inwards and heard Feng Jiu drawing near him, when he opened his eyes he found her on standing on her hands with her face towards him... on instinct their breathing began to match and his heart lurched in his chest to follow the rhythm of her own heart. She stared at him so intently it began to make him uncomfortable until she slowly drew forward to kiss him. It was a relief to know she was seeking physical comfort from him.

In sync they move together through their usual movements albeit still clothed and gently finished with him in the lotus position and her straddling his hips. Her kiss was hungry, as much as need to make love as well as need to reassure herself that he was still present. His hands firmly stroke her back and legs, if they had been naked this would be the time, he would be inside her, nonetheless their bond thrummed with magic. Breaking the kiss gently they resumed staring at each other as the sun rose high in the sky.

"Husband, last night I was terribly upset, and did not tell you something. I would need to travel to Qing Qiu to choose a steward... this might take two days. I am sorry." Feng Jiu said apologetically.

"You do not need to defer to me for this. You may come and go as you please, Xiao Bai." Donghua told her and kissed her forehead. "However, I will not be able to accompany you, there is much to take care of in the Nine Heavens."

"I was expecting this." Feng Jiu said and kissed his lips again.

"I spoke to Zhe Yan last night, he tells me your Aunt is pregnant." Donghua said, seeing first the joy, and later a flash of pain go through her features. He knew exactly what she was thinking, they had spent almost four years in the time portal, and she had not conceived... he could not make her pregnant... not yet at least.

Burying her face in his neck, Donghua felt her shield her disappointment from him through their bond, it pained him that his sterility was bringing such anguish to their relationship. "Forgive me." He apologized and Feng Jiu realized she had failed to keep her misery from him. "If I was a differen-" Her finger shushed him, and she raised her head to look into his eyes.

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