Chapter 71

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Author's notes: I am making strides in going back to my regular schedule of writing. I get upset when I do not meet deadlines for this fanfic because this is my writing challenge. In this fanfic, we get a whole lot of fighting scenes—DongFeng in love next chapter.

Rated: 18+ for violence.


"Yan," Feng Jiu breathed gratefully but found Yan did not turn to look at her. She was ignored in favour of Ji Heng, who staring at Yan with something akin to adoration in her eyes.

"I've come to save you," Yan said as he pulled Ji Heng to her feet without looking away from her eyes. "Tell me what happened."

"I was watching over Her Serene Highness, and the Spider women showed up. We fought." Ji Heng said simply as she held to his hands tightly and breathed heavily. "Did the spiders invade the township?"

"Don't worry about that. The Celestial Soldiers and Qing Qiu allies are getting rid of them." He told her, his thumbs rubbing the injured skin of her hands. "You need to leave and take Xiao Jiu with you." Yan said, finally remembering Feng Jiu, who was feeling left out. "Xiao Jiu, your asshole husband is fighting Miao Lou's shadow."

Feng Jiu's eyes widened in horror, and she gasped. She looked around to see Xi Fang had also returned with Yan and left Donghua to fight Miao Lou on his own. "I am going to go find him."

"Master has a message Serene Highness."

"What did he say?" Feng Jiu said, wondering why he had relay the massage through their mental bond.

"Master orders you to not chase after him and stay where you are."

Feng Jiu growled in annoyance, now he understood why he had not told her this through their bond. She would have argued with him and found his location quickly; searching for Donghua mentally, she discovered he was shielding from her, and she only heard static. "I do not care what he has commanded. We are going to go looking for him right after I find my sword hilt."

"No, you won't," Yan said decisively and with an air of authority that annoyed Feng Jiu to the core.

"Yes, I will," Feng Jiu insisted, her eyes flashing in annoyance as she stood up in anger at having her phobias control her reactions on the battlefield.

"No. Ice Face is right to say you need to stay out of this." Yan insisted, and Feng Jiu gritted her teeth in anger.

In her fight against the giant spiders, she had called forth fire, and it had quickly burned the entire house to the ground. Feng Jiu, protected by the Tiangan shield, had not felt the flames or heat, and in the chaos, her hilt had been lost in the ashes. She needed to find it to adequately put together her sword, or the blade was useless to her and inert without a way to wield it. Cursing under her breath, Feng Jiu scrambled to her feet and felt the vile rise in her throat at the sight of the giant snakes.

She would get over her phobia or crawl her way around, vomiting all the while, as she sought her hilt because she was determined to find it. Feng Jiu saw Bingliang change shape to her human appearance and turn her eyes on Yan, but Li Mei spoke next.

"Demon Lord Yan," Li Mei said, and she smiled. "Nye Chuyin said you would be trouble."

"Nye Chuyin is an asshole," Yan said as he summoned his sword and walked forward casually, light on his feet. "Are you not that gross spider woman from Baishui Mountain?"

"Insolent slime." Li Mei said in anger.

"Yeah, you ate my soldiers and dogs. I do not like that." Yan said as he warmed up his wrist and flexed his knees.

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