Chapter 11

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Author's note; Thank you all for everything, you are guys are awesome. My computer crashed a couple of days back taking all my work with it, but I shall persist. DongFeng are still on honeymoon. Sweet moments ahead.

Rated: 18+ for adult themes, sexual content. Bai Feng Jiu/Dong Hua Dijun fanfiction lemon.


Eighty three blazes and twenty lightning strikes.

Donghua had kept count.

This was punishment from the Heavens for daring to defy fate.

The nameless couple in the ancient text had only report it a fever and fire in their veins... never did it mention the heavens opening in savage anger. The lightning had also double as Feng Jiu's High Immortal Trial and she had received three lightning strikes to back that he hadn't been being able to shield her from. The pain that had raced through his veins the moment her blood was mixed with his own was agony. Feng Jiu's blood was filled with the primordial spirit of Red Nine Tailed Foxes and when mixed with his own golden blood the explosion of magic that emanated from it had called forth the very magic that had brought him to existence deep within the Holy Blue Sea; Creation Magic. Donghua could only hope that the Starlight Ward that guarded Bihai Cangling had absorbed the wayward magic and that it hadn't become a beacon to every possible monster that crawled in the underworld thirsty for the power that came with drinking the powerful blood.

Once the lightning had ceased and the magic that had risen them up in the air had left, Donghua and Feng Jiu had fallen to the ground banging their heads, losing consciousness for hours. Thankfully, the courtyard where they had perform the ritual was made of the same magical marble that Shaoyang Manor had been carved from and the minute he hit the ground it burst with healing magic seeking to nourish his body and soul. When Donghua was finally able to open his eyes that sun was shining brightly in the sky and close to him he saw his mount, Xi Fang picking him up, his head lolled to the side and he was able to catch Xi Fang's mate bringing Feng Jiu into the manor as well. After they where laid down in their bed, XI Fang and his mate left them to guard the entrance, Donghua fell into a deep sleep.

Feng Jiu was the first to wake up, consciousness came all at once for her, there was no weakness in her body, nor any pain, and she stretched in the bedding knocking Donghua's bare leg. Turning, she found him asleep, his face bloody, and the events of the soul bonding came back to her, the pain had been misery the likes she never though she ever experience. The ritual had also double as her High Immortal Trial, she was much too young for it, her Aunt having ascended when she was close to eighty thousand years old, Feng Jiu was barely thirty two thousand. Her hands ran over his face before she placed one over his heart that was now beating, her sharp fox hearing could pick up the beating of his heart. The sound was a sweet melody to her ears, and she smiled when she saw him open his eyes. The soul bond firmly having snapped into place, the connection between them was clear like a crystalline pond of water.

"Let's take a bath." Donghua said to her and she nodded in agreement.

Slowly, they both got up from the bedding and Donghua handed her a silk robe, before taking one for himself, a wave of his hand and the bedding was gone and replaced with clean bedding. Holding hands, they stepped into the bath chambers and activating the pipe mechanism that pumped water. The shower came to life with hot water, shedding their silk robes, they walked into the shower and embraced under the water for a long time before she felt him reach for a bar of lavender soap. Feng Jiu scrubbed diligently her skin from all the dried blood that had crusted over her arms and legs, the lightning had truly harm her, noticing the same on her husband she began to soap him up and found him running his hands on her head looking down at her.

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