Chapter 39

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Author's note: In this installment I am inserting some serious violence. Someone dies. Next chapter we shall return to our regular schedule programming of DongFeng in love. 

Rated: 18+ for adult themes, horror, violence.


"Listen here you little worm." Yan growled, his eyes flashing red as the doors to the throne room were locked up by guards who made no move to help Xu Yang. "I am going to ask you a question and I will expect an answer, or I will chock the shit right out of you."

"Guards!" Xu Yang managed to chock out before Yan wrapped his fingers around his throat and began to squeeze, his muscles flexing underneath his sleeves.

"Ji Heng is not in the cold dungeons." Yan growled, his eyes flashing red in anger. "Where is she?"

Xu Yang clawed at Yan's arms weakly, his eyes bulging as he felt the air been cut off from his lungs. "I am going to let go and you will answer me." Yan whispered dangerously before allowing Xu Yang to draw air.

"I... do... not... know." Xu Yang begged suddenly afraid.

"Wrong answer." Yan growled and tightened his grip again, his arms shaking Xu Yang by the neck and banging his head against the hard stone of his rock chair.

"You are going to kill him. Stop!" Yan heard Feng Jiu's voice say from behind him and without letting go of Xu Yang, he turned his head but only found Dijun staring back at him with his guard at his side.

"I don't care." Yan growled and turned back to chocking Xu Yang. "Answer me or you will die a painful death."

"If you kill Demon Lord Xu Yang you are going to ruin a whole of things Ji Heng has been working towards to for millennia." Dijun's voice said closer to him as a strong arm caught him by the shoulder and squeezed. Yan turned to the voice and found that the guard who had been standing by Dijun had spoken.

"Yan, let go." The Dijun who was sitting by the throne chair spoke but instead of a man's voice Feng Jiu's voice came forth.

"What in the fuck?" Yan said confused and he squeezed Xu Yang's neck so tightly, he stopped struggling.

"He is still alive, let go." Dijun's voice floated from in between the white helmet and mask of the celestial soldier that was pulling on his shoulder.

"You are going to ruin everything." The Dijun sitting on the chair admonished in Feng Jiu's voice.

"The fuck is this?" Yan growled as he looked at them thinking in his anger he was hallucinating.

"Feng Jiu you need to drop the disguise, he is confused." The Celestial Soldier said and took off his helmet to reveal Donghua Dijun's face.

"You are right." Dijun in the chair said in Feng Jiu's voice before he performed hand seals and dropping the disguising magic, turned into Feng Jiu dressed in red.

"Let. Him. Go." Donghua said as he pulled Yan away from Xu Yang who had passed out from lack of oxygen. "Someone is tampering with Xu Yang's mind." Dijun explained as he moved Yan around with a strong hand and placed it on Xu Yang's head.

"Xu Yang is a piece of shit." Yan growled savagely. "Ji Heng must have sent you information."

Donghua ignored him as he closed his eyes and quested the dark, cavernous recesses of Xu Yang's mind and found what he was looking for. "Nye Chuyin has taken Ji Heng and Min Su to Baishui Mountain."

"What? Baishui Mountain?" Yan asked in a panic, knowing full well the type of monsters that dwelled in those mountains.

"After we spirit Bai Lei out, I shall assist you in rescuing her." Donghua decided.

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