Chapter 18

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Author's note; This episode very loosely follows the events of TMOPB ep 55. Some dialogue has been taken and re worked to suit the plotline.


Feng Jiu would rather go to war... or kill herself with a block of tofu than listened to that evil, lying witch Su Jin uttered another word again. Standing by Donghua's side while he casually sat in his dais and pretended to listen to the nonsense coming out Su Jin's mouth, Feng Jiu saw that Consort Le Xu was also acting as nervous as Su Jin, maybe the two witches where in the plot together.

"Bai Quian was left angry that Sang Ji would want to take the snake woman as a concubine and marry her as well. She device a plot to seduce Crown Prince with her fox magic seduction spell, tricking him into thinking that she was a frail mortal woman. She came to the Celestial Palace to cause mischief, she is a hateful woman and tried throwing me off Zhuxian Palace out of jealousy." Su Jin cried, and Feng Jiu heard her husband sighed almost imperceptibly in annoyance.

"Then why would Bai Quian intentionally hurt herself by jumping off Zhuxian Terrace?" Donghua asked and leaned his cheek on his hand.

"Because... this is because... because she sought to trick Crown Prince into despair and jump after her. Yes, this is why." Su Jin sobbed hysterically making Feng Jiu clenched her teeth in anger. "Bai Quian was feral, she came into my quarters screaming about me pushing her off Zhuxian Terrace and dug out my eyes. She told me to seek punishment from Heavenly Lord for my transgressions by guarding..."

"Guard the Bell of East Emperor that imprisons Quing Cang by Roushi Riverbank, never to return to the Celestial Palace, am I right?" Donghua said interrupting her sobbing with a bore tone of voice, Su Jin had repeated this line too many times to count.

Feng Jiu heard Crown Prince being greeted and turning to look, she saw he had brought with him a delegation of people. Sang Ji and his son Yuan Zhen, who refuse to meet her eyes, as well as Si Ming and Lian Song and... a woman who looked exactly like her Aunt had looked in her mortal state. Standing from his seat Donghua made a grand show of looking surprise.

"Crown Prince, you have returned." His Lordship said alerting Su Jin to Ye Hua's presence.

"I happened to make it back today. I heard there was a commotion in the Grand Hall and came to investigate." Crown Prince said quietly with a stoic face.

"You should be here; this matter concerns your Harem, but I ended up having to take care of it. It has put me in an uncomfortable position." Donghua said shamelessly as though he had not pushed aside Heavenly Lord to be charge of the proceeding himself.

"I ask that Your Lordship forgive my lapse." Crown Prince said and bowed to Dijun.

"Ye Hua." Su Jin began softly as she turned around blindly seeking her husband. "YE HUA!" She yelled as she caught his robes in her hands. "Ye Hua, you must uphold justice for Su Jin."

"Do not cry, I am here to uphold justice." Ye Hua said with no emotion.

Feng Jiu saw that the woman, who looked remarkably like Su Su behind Crown Prince, walked around him and called out to Su Jin. "My Lady."

Su Jin gasped, her mouth going slacked as she felt the familiar magic surrounding the figurine. "Who are you?" Su Jin gasped hoping to lie her way out of this.

"It is your humble servant, My Lady." The figurine said and Su Jin screamed in terror.

"Get away! I do not know you!" Su Jin shrieked, her arms flailing.

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