Chapter 40

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Author's note: Feng Jiu's mother had no name I could find, as such I was forced to name her Biyu. The same can be said for Feng Jiu's grandmother, I could not find a name, but I noticed that in the book Feng Jiu calls her Goddess Grandmother and I will do the same. If I am wrong, please comment below with the correct names and citations.

Rated: 18+ for adult themes.


The whistling of magic had roared in her ears as the enchantment that Donghua had worked on the bracelets in her hands teleported through the ancient shields surrounding Xu Yang's fortress, shooting through like a comet. Once she had reached the shields of Zhe Yan's orchard late in the evening, she had briefly hovered in the air before been recognize and accepted by Zhe Yan's magic. Feng Jiu appeared in a flash of light in Zhe Yan's small cottage where he waited with her Uncle Bai Zhen. No greetings were exchange or gasped of surprised were issue by Zhe Yan, he had simply picked up Bai Lei and carried him to the bath house outside to clean his wounds, Bai Zhen had followed right behind. Bi Fang, Zhe Yan's mount had witnessed the entire episode and had suddenly flown away Leaving Feng Jiu twisting her fingers in worry before she felt the presence of her entire family teleporting to Ten Miles of Peach Blossom.

Her mother, Biyu, had burst through the door and had looked at her bloodstain dress and hands briefly before sweeping her into a hug. Bai Yi had hovered over the doorway inhaling deeply, and seeing she was in perfect health, had followed the scent trail to the bath house. Feng Jiu thought she heard, her grandfather and uncle Bai Xuan's footsteps before her Aunt Bai Quian stepped through the doorway in soft yellow silks.

"You need to change out of that dress, kittling." Bai Quian said as her mother followed her into the house.

Feng Jiu was set up with a fitted sleeve dress and a basin with water before she was ushered into a small room to change. Once she returned to the small receiving room that was crowded, by her grandmother, mother, and aunt. Feng Jiu sat by the small low table and saw the water was been boiled for tea.

Her grandmother was somber as she said. "Tell me about Demon Lord Yan?"

Feng Jiu begun her tale slowly, her mind still preoccupied with Bai Lei's health. "He came to Tai Chen Summer Palace and challenge my Lord Husband to a fight. It turned out to be a cover for speaking to me, this is when he told me that my Uncle Bai Lei was been held prisoner by Supreme Demon Lord Xu Yang. I did not believe him at first but after speaking to my Aunt, Fourth Uncle and my Lord Husband, it confirmed that he spoke the truth."

"Bai Quian tells me Donghua Dijun is a mind reader. How long have you known of this?" Goddess Grandmother questioned.

"I learned of this while we were honeymooning in Bihai Cangling after... we signed the marriage contract." Feng Jiu said hesitantly not wanting to reveal the full extent of what happened.

"Are you not disturbed?" Biyu, her mother, asked.

Feng Jiu shook her head, finding out Donghua previously read her mind had been embarrassing but not shocking. "My Lord Husband is very powerful, mind reading was not something that surprised me."

"You know more kittling. Your scent has changed overtime." Bai Quian interjected fixing Feng Jiu with a stare.

Feng Jiu did not like were the line of questioning was going. "W-when a person mates with a powerful being such as Dijun the resulting bonding of magic can change a few things."

Goddess Grandmother shook her head and asked. "Have you blood bonded with Dijun?"

Feng Jiu hesitated as she looked over the three of them cautiously. Blood bonding was dangerous because it diluted the powers of the immortals entering such a bond, it could also alter bloodlines in ways procreation could not.

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