The Crossroads of Destiny - Prt 2

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Feng Jiu felt it all.

Donghua was so preoccupied with channelling all his powers into the battle he had no strength left to shield from her. The moment Miao Lou summoned her magic and challenge Donghua to a fight for the dominance of the Universe, they were thrown into another dimension.

The earth trembled.

The sea churned.

The stars shook in the heavens.

Pain ripped through Feng Jiu's head, and she cried out, falling to her hands in front of the Buddha statue. The battle had begun and only one God could prevail, the other one would die. But Feng Jiu was determined it would not be Donghua. Rising back to her knees, she calmed her mind and returned to pulsing magic into her husband.


"I have longed for this moment," Miao Lou whispered, and close her eyes in ecstasy. "The moment I would take your head and become Master Architect of the Universe."

Donghua dared not take his eyes off Miao Lou. Clad in black armour and holding a wicked sword in one hand, she stood a few feet away from him, regarding the black void they had fallen into. Ye Hua and Zhe Yan had engaged what was left of the spider sisters, allowing him to face Miao Lou.

"Nothing to say, Donghua?" Miao Lou asked. "No last words?"

"I will erase your existence from the Universe." Donghua said softly and lunged at her, the Cang He glinting in his hand and pulsing with magic.

The clash of their swords was violent, magic sparking and sending shockwaves destroying the arid land they were in. Purple, ominous clouds gather in the sky and thunder cracked in the air. Miao Lou was preternaturally fast with her sword, seeking to stab him in the joints of his armour. A wicked smile curved her lips and a fork tongue slip past her perfect human teeth, her eyes two black voids with no pupils.

"Fight me harder, Donghua," She growled, drool dripping from her mouth as her face disfigure and the monster she truly was revealed.

Power surged through Donghua, the ancient power that had given birth to him in the Holy Blue Sea and had sustained him through numerous battles. Sparking from his gloved hand, it arced in the air like lightning and hit Miao Lou in the chest making her scream in rage as her shoulder was impaled with the lightning bolt. Racing forward with his sword in hand, Donghua sought to deliver a finishing blow when he cut through empty air.

"Right behind you, Donghua," Miao Lou whispered and sunk a wickedly sharp knife into his shoulder in one swift movement.

Pain seared his shoulder and should he have stayed a second too long near her, she would have stabbed him once more. Quickly putting distance between, Donghua felt warm wetness dripping down his shoulder and into his hand.

Miao Lou smiled, her face changing back to its human shape, and she brought the knife to her mouth, her fork tongue slipping out to taste the golden red blood on its blade. "I never want this to end, Donghua." She crooned. "I want to take this moment and burn it on my memory forever."

Fairy magic coursed through Donghua's body, and his armour retracted, leaving him dressed in his purple pants and shirt. Slowly, his breath calmed, and a purple mist engulf his body before dissipating.

"Changing form so quickly?" Miao Lou asked as the mist surrounding Donghua dissipated an a large eight foot monster with long limbs, terrifying jaws and dark short hair was revealed.

"I never should have spared your life."Donghua said, a growling voice emanating from his jaws. "I should have killed you all those years ago, but you begged so much to sealed away."

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