Chapter 90

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Author's note: It has been so long, so many crazy things have happened around me but I am working on wrapping up this fanfic in a satisfactory way. This chapter is mostly a slice of life with DongFeng and Gun Gun featuring heavily. I am trying to wrap up the loose ends and give them the family life the series took away from us fans.


Feng Jiu awoke suddenly with a start, making Donghua jump in bed next to her as she incorporated. Placing a hand on his eyes and rubbing them, Donghua reached out to her and gently stroke her back. It was the middle of the night, he judged because the beeswax candles had yet to burn through.

"What is wrong?"

"Gun Gun," Feng Jiu whispered and turned to Donghua, placing her hands on his bare shoulders. "He is awake, husband. Please go get him for me."

Donghua blinked groggily at her, but stood up from the bed and reached for a white robe to put on before walking the brief steps to the nursery. Opening the door, Donghua dissipated the shields surrounding his bassinet and loomed over the bed finding his son awake. Gun Gun stretched out his small hands to his father, cooing and gurgling, his little legs kicking, and Donghua picked him up at once, kissing his forehead as he cradled him to his chest.

"Is something wrong, small dumpling?" Donghua asked his son as he reached out for a blanket and carefully monitored Gun Gun's brainwaves. "I thought you were sleeping through the night. Are you hungry or do you simply want your mother?"

Gun Gun made a small gurgling sound, cooing as Donghua rocked him in his arms. His son felt cold, a little hungry, but nothing else seemed to be wrong. It was a relief. Feng Jiu suddenly sitting up in bed, had left him feeling unsettled and nervous for his son. "Let's go see your Lady Mother," Donghua murmured gently and walked through a set of doors and into his bed chambers.

Feng Jiu was sitting up in bed, her back reclining against the pillows, and when she saw him, she immediately outstretched her arms, wanting to cradle Gun Gun. "My baby," she said under her breath as Donghua placed their child in her arms and nursed him while humming. Donghua sat by them, conjuring up warm air when he noticed Feng Jiu's arms getting cold. He watched them until Gun Gun felt asleep and Feng Jiu laid him down on the bed.

"I think he was cold," Feng Jiu whispered as Donghua settled into the enormous bed underneath the covers.

"Small dumpling is too young to regulate his body heat," Donghua agreed.

"I feel guilty making him sleep on his own in the bassinet," Feng Jiu admitted and Donghua smiled lightly at her. He felt the same way.

"Sweet love, Xi Fang and Jia Li have requested to meet our son and introduced him to their twin children. Would you like that?" Donghua said, remembering how the white tiger had asked to meet his son.

"Oh, yes," Feng Jiu agreed as she reached out for Donghua's hand and twined their fingers together.

"I was thinking maybe the cubs could sleep with Gun Gun and keep him company," Donghua said, thinking perhaps Gun Gun needed company while napping.

"Oh, that would be so great," Feng Jiu said as she patted her son's belly.


Feng Jiu glided through the water, sword in hand, dressed in a pair of pants and a long sleeve shirt with a flexible leather armour on top. The early morning sunlight peaking behind the mountains and her sword clashed with Donghua's. She blocked and pushed her sword against his own with all her strength, but he easily twirled the steels together with one hand, forcing her sword downwards. The wind blew his silky white hair away from his face as he easily fought her off one handed, his muscles flexing under his shirt and Feng Jiu snarled as her arms shook under the strain of his assault.

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