Chapter 33

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Feng Jiu had gained more than one ability when she had released her powers and allowed them to reconstitute inside her. It turned out that not only did Donghua come from an actual rock, he could also turn his skin as hard as rock deflecting blades and absorbing the shock of various hits and now, she had gained the ability as well.

Magic seemed to flow from him into her and outwards back inside Donghua in a loop. He had explained to her that she amplified his powers and reflected back to him a more refined fairy magical. To Feng Jiu this simply felt like breathing, her lungs inhale and she felt his own organs did the same, he looked at a flower or tree and she saw the image in her brain. It could be rather intrusive, she felt this was even closer than when their mental bond had established, and she had hidden in the corners of his mind.

They had spent hours meditating and seeking to separate until Donghua had managed to shield his thoughts and she stopped seeing through his eyes. Feng Jiu had been relieved, at first it had been terribly romantic to her that they would be this close, then she had been horrified to realize that there would be no privacy left to her in her mind and had winced when Donghua had turned to his eyes to her knowing what she had thought.

"I feel this ability would be best served in times of war or danger, my girl." Donghua had said one night as they lay wrapped together naked in their bed.

Feng Jiu painted lazy circles on his arm and felt him kissed her forehead. "It is rather unnerving."

"It is much closer than the mental bond. I had not expected for the soul bond to grow like this." Donghua said as he tested their bond in his mind, questing for its limits and finding very few parts where him and Feng Jiu were not separated. While their bonding could now be said to be a success, Donghua wonder about the ripples it would cause in the Universe.

Feng Jiu had read repeatedly the duplicate of the ancient manuscript that Donghua had read about the soul bond, but it never mentioned the changes they where experiencing. She was still rather confused about how she had changed Donghua, he had explained something strange such as the Universe before behaving in a linear fashion and now having changed because of some light that re-arranged its particles.

"The who and the what?" Feng Jiu said as her brain tried to process exactly what he was saying.

"It took me a long time to understand this concept because the Universe I was allowed to rule by the Heavens had different rules where everything was much more linear. You must have study how all is energy when you were taught magic, correct?" Donghua asked.

"Yes." Feng Jiu said.

"You also hear magic whenever it is summoned. It is a sound, a vibration." Donghua continued and summoned in his hand a luminescence string which he made to vibrate.

"Yes." Feng Jiu now said with enthusiasm as she understood.

"However, this vibration only occurs with the most powerful of fairy magic. This is how you instinctively judge the level of power." Donghua said summoning a stronger burst of power that chime to Feng Jiu's ears.

"The magic that we summoned together sounded like a roared." Feng Jiu said and then looked at her hands as her tips of her fingers glowed.

Donghua reached over to her, and closing his hands over her own, calmed the magic she was summoning and redirected it to Bihai Cangling. "This vibration frequency changed the Universe at a molecular level. Already the fabric of space and time are tearing into one another. You carry my blood in you, I will teach you to close inter dimensional tears in the fabric that hold our Universe together."

"How?" Feng Jiu asked.

"You will permanently close the tear that opened up in Bihai Cangling and allowed me to travel back and forth into its sister universe." Donghua said.

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