Chapter 56

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Author's note: DongFeng hash out their problems, and the truth of what happened that day is revealed. Keep in mind there are always two sides in every story, and the truth lies somewhere in the middle. Donghua was stuck in between two horrible choices; he chose the lesser of two evils. Remember, Donghua told Bai Yi he would sooner cut off his arm than hurt Feng Jiu. Needless to say, I will not be breaking up DongFeng.

Rated:18+ for adult themes and mild sexual content.


Donghua turned back into his human shape and cradle Feng Jiu in his arms as he realized he had landed on Fanyin Valley in the middle of the night. Feng Jiu was still unconscious on his arms, but her breathing was steady and heart strong. Travelling by mist, Donghua, with Feng Jiu in his arms, was followed by his tigers into a small principality ruled by the Bi Yi Niao Clan. Donghua visited the valley every 50 years or so and kept a residence in the Valley.

The currents of magic in this lower realm were healing, although they yielded low amounts of cultivation for the earth immortals that resided in the valley. He arrived at a small six room compound that he kept in the valley, Donghua visited so very little that he kept no maids or male servants, and the residence was dark.

The minute he set foot on the courtyard, Donghua summoned a tri fold shield and went directly into the bath chambers with Feng Jiu placing her on a chaise chair. He gently touched the bracelets on her wrists and retracted her armour before divesting his silver armour. Placing the bracelets on a small table, he prepared a basin with warm water and a set of towels to clean Feng Jiu's wounds. From a drawer in the small table he brought out a pair of sharp scissors and slowly cut out her dress where it had stuck to the wounds on her flesh. Once he had her naked, Donghua gently cleansed her wounds, covering her up with a large white towel when she shivered. Feng Jiu's right hand had healed, but it had been burned so severely that she had no fingernails in it, and Donghua wrapped it up with salve and bandages.

"Sweet love," Donghua whispered as he washed her red hair that was cake in dirt and blood, but Feng Jiu gave no response. He prepared a healing herbal bath before he disrobed, ripping out the fabric where he had been burned and hurt during his fight with Miao Lou. He showered first before he picked up Feng Jiu and sank into the healing bath with her in his lap.

Donghua gently tapped into their mental bond and began to pour small amounts of his cultivation into her wounded body. His lips kissed her forehead as he cradled in his arms, his eyes closed, and followed the flows of magic in her body, growing cold with dread when he realized that Deliang had bitten Feng Jiu.

Donghua's hand caressed her naked shoulder, and he followed the line of her arm towards her wrist, where he felt for her pulse and counted the beats. His eyebrows furrowed, and he pulled away from her forehead to stare at her sleeping face. His thumb felt for her pulse once more, and he counted, trying to reassure himself he had not been wrong the first time. After a few minutes, he exhaled sharply, and Donghua's hand trembled.


Feng Jiu woke up gradually, her limbs not obeying her mind at first before she slowly opened her eyes and swallowed back the horrible taste in her mouth. Where was she? Feng Jiu moved her head to the side and saw a delicate silk curtain next to a small side table. She rose on her right elbow slowly and felt a twinge of pain on her hand; looking down, and she saw it had been bandage and realized she was no longer wearing her torn green dress but a white silk robe.

Feng Jiu sat on the bed with a bit of difficulty and saw a basin on an iron frame with a mirror on top and teeth cleaning implements on the side. She got up slowly and inhaling, and she noticed spring in the air. Where was she? Feng Jiu wondered again as she washed her teeth and tongue, repeating three times until she got the foul taste out of her mouth. Going back into bed, Feng Jiu smelled around the room and scented Donghua in the air. He had bathed and tended to her wounds; she realized when she did not sense a third person in the room.

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